View Full Version : Will i ever be "normal" again?

07-23-2010, 04:24 AM
hi there,

I've been having anxiety for 3 months now - it started with the odd bit of vertigo and the odd panic attack which didn't really bother me - my life continued as normal.

As time has gone by things have got extremely worse. When i'm sat down i feel slightly lightheaded, which is bareable. But as soon as i stand i instantly have vertigo, my heart races i get a headache, stomach pains, earache, my chest tightens and i feel like someone has a tight rope around my neck - this will continue until i'm sat down again. Laying down is the same - sleeping is impossible right now.

At the moment i'm taking propranolol which has stopped the daily panic attacks i was having - but it hasn't stopped everything else, i feel ill all day every day - i can barely move.

Because of all of this i have now ended up severly depressed, i just don't see the point in living to just sit here feeling like ****, i feel like this will never end and i really don't want to live the rest of my life like this.

I start CBT in august - but to be honest i can't see it working, i dont want to learn new ways to cope with it - i just want it to leave me alone!!

I've tried every self help guide - audio cd - visualisation nothing stops the way i feel.

Will this ever go or am i now stuck like this for the rest of my life?

07-23-2010, 01:53 PM
You have the power to decide if you want to get rid of your snxiety, its sure curable, but you need the right tool that will work best for you...

There is one software which I used that has changed my life dramatically, its very powerful , and works not just with anxiety, but with many things...

I feel more confident, happy,relaxed then how I was before...

I defientely recommend it...

To get FREE instant access click on the link below....


07-24-2010, 06:39 AM
When first hit with anxiety disorder, it is typically such a big blow that it feels like there is no getting better. However, I would say that your chances of feeling normal again are actually good. However, there is one important thing to keep in mind here. Specifically, it is not going to happen overnight. Recovery from anxiety disorder is inherently a slow process - one that typically takes anywhere from a few months to a few years (although there is no way of knowing how long it will take you to recover). Of course, it is also important to remember that you will generally get better over this course of time (although there will be those times when your anxiety temporarily gets worse for a time - this happens to EVERYBODY during recovery).

As for the CBT course, I would DEFINITELY take it. Although it doesn't feel like it would help, remember what I said: it probably doesn't feel like ANYTHING will help. But that doesn't mean that this is true. In order to recover, you must allow yourself to recover. Part of this means learning to cope with anxiety disorder in order to not be so disturbed by your symptoms that they maintain the disorder. And this is part of what the CBT course should teach you.

Also, it is DEFINITELY a good idea to get out and do things rather than doing nothing. Although it doesn't feel like anything would give you pleasure, chances are it will make you feel at least a little better (probably better than you think). Also, it can help break the cycle of worrying about your disorder, which only serves to maintain it.

Anyway, the key point here is to learn to live with anxiety disorder as best as you can, and try to stop worrying about your symptoms to the best of your ability (even if you can only do these things a little for now). Doing these things will help your anxiety disorder to gradually subside over time. After that, you can deal with those issues which caused your anxiety disorder in the first place (but, by the sound of things, it seems like your mind is on your symptoms more than anything else).