View Full Version : Am I slowly getting better?

07-23-2010, 01:00 AM
Ok, I know this may be a stupid question, but I've been taking my Celexa for about 1 1/2 weeks now and well the nausea is still there, but I just need to eat slowly for the nausea to subside. And I've noticed I'm not really having as many panic attacks as I was before the celexa. My breathing seems to have improved for when I'm nervous and what not. Do you think the Celexa is kicking in helping me control my anxiety?

Also I have another question, if I were to have an attack, where I'm on Celexa, could I take a Xanax to calm myself down?

Thanks all you're great =D

07-23-2010, 04:54 PM
Im not quite sure about if you can take them both together, im not a doctor, I dont suggest doing anything like that until you tell your doctor....

Maybe your anxiety is going, I recommend a natural cure, if it still continues...

I am an ex anxiety sufferer I suffered really badly, but got rid of it bu a powerful software I used...

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