View Full Version : Carbon Minoxide Fear

07-22-2010, 09:15 PM
My anxiety to be killed by carbon minoxide in my sleep happend around 8 months ago. Suddenly one night i became terrified that i would die in my sleep, I had a panic attack and slept propped up on my window sill breathing in 'fresh air' blocking out any harmful air with towels up against the doors.

Every now and then I start to panic randomly again, this usually occurs when im just about to fall asleep. I suddenly get the thought in my head and im awake for hours worrying about it not sleeping.

Every tiny pain or glitch in my body makes me hypersensitve and I get so worried about getting poisened.

I havnt slept propperly in over a week, going to bed at 5-6am because im too frightend ill die in my sleep and no one will find me because they're asleep aswell. So by waiting up untill 6am people in my house will be waking up.

Although my Mum says our smoke alarm is also carbon minoxide sensitive and detects and alarms about a leak. I dont belive her and am still convinced that the alarm doesnt work.

Ive got no particular known reason as to why I feel like this as i havnt had a recent or past trauma which would have led to this obsession.

Is there tablets i can take or any form of help, when i try and tell my mum she just gets annoyed and thinks that im being silly?

Please help somebody, does anyone else feel or act the same or can help xx