View Full Version : Morning anxiety?

Nadia A
07-22-2010, 03:58 PM
Hi everyone,

I'v been diagnosed with Social Anxiety, panic disorder and depression only recently. The worst time is the morning. i wake up every day feeling sick and shaky and weak. It's been like this for a year and a half now and I cant cope with it anymore? Why is this happening? Does anyone else out there have this or is it just me? How do you cope with it?


07-26-2010, 09:10 PM
Hello Nadia, most people diagnose with panic disorder will experience difficulty in the morning. There are some things you can do to minimize your morning anxiety. You should examine your sleeping habits like are you getting enough sleep, having difficulty falling asleep or waking up early? This could lead to anxiety you should talk to your doctor if you have this symptoms. And start your day doing relaxation exercise it would really help.

Nadia A
07-27-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi there, I normally get about 8 hours sleep. I used to be a morning person but since all this began I cant get up in the morning because of feeling sick and shaky. Sometimes I do have trouble getting to sleep at night but I just get up again and end up staying up til 1am then. Since getting put on Amitriptyline I have managed to get to sleep faster and not waken so many times during the night but I still feel awful in the morning and really struggle to get going in the morning. I thought of doing some light excersise but feel too sick I can hardly move.

Thanks for your reply.

07-27-2010, 01:57 PM
i actually taught this was very common, i feel this all the time and its brutal, it doesnt matter if you sleep or not its the same thing, its obviously better if you do get some sleep and i have been doing exercise in order to try tire me out to help me get off to sleep and its hard to exercise sometimes very hard because you feel like shit all the time but fight through it and it will help you sleep, downside to that for me is i usually wake up very early and cant go back asleep anyway, and as i said if i sleep or not, morning anxiety as you put it is always there, but you just have to try and suffer through it and get yourself up and even try to eat something which is even harder sometimes, but as i said i presumed that this was just normal as several people iv spoke to suffer this to some degree

Nadia A
07-27-2010, 02:38 PM
Yeah, it is murder! I go through fazes when I sleep right through but sometimes I wake up 5 or six times during the night which is a pain cos you feel like you've not slept a wink cos youv seen every hour of the morning!!!! I guess Ill just have to keep going. Im off sick from work just now with my anxiety and deppression but the morning s worry me foe when I do go back to work. Thanks for your support. NA

07-27-2010, 02:57 PM
the worst is when you wake very early and then spen a few hours lying with your eyes closed but your not really asleep