View Full Version : Going Crazy

05-11-2006, 08:30 PM
So Graduation is getting really close and now i'm starting to get real nervous. :oops: :oops: :oops: :? I have this thought that when its my turn to go up on the stage and recieve my diploma and gonna totally freak and after that I wont be able to find the right row where I sit... yeah this is how bad this anxiety is hopefully im not the only one that thinks stuff like this im trying to tell myself that im going to be so happy on that day and i have no reason to be worried but idk school has been a nightmare ofcourse im nervous out side of school but usually it isnt half as bad im ready to get this over with :x

05-29-2006, 01:21 AM
oops just caught this message now. Hey crxman, did you have graduation? If so, I hope it went well! Let us know :)

06-05-2006, 08:40 PM
Well I had planned on Walking at Graduation but the closer It got the more I was thinking about it non stop and all i can say is it got the best of me. It was suppossed to be Outside in the Stadium so that made me feel alot better that way I wouldnt be steps away from 3000 people in the gym. But the day of Graduation it poured so it was inside afterall and now i'm glad i didnt go b.c that would of been to much. Are gym is pretty small and cramming a trillion people in there stinks its just a hot nightmare. I went to my friends graduation last year I was standing by the door and I thought i was gonna pass out. Atleast I finished school I have a Diploma so now its time for a Job happy days....lol