View Full Version : Anxiety and bad skin.

07-22-2010, 02:20 AM
Does bad skin cause you anxiety cause you know that people are looking or starring?Every day I add new exiting health and fitness tips to my blog.Send me a message and i'll get the link to you!
Here is today's tip..
The facts are these. Not Pepsi, not beer, not juice, not even tea can replace the magical, rejuvenating effects of that old classic, H2O.
One of the most wonderful skin care treatments is easily available to everyone, has side benefits that affects not just your rosy glow but your whole body, and is utterly painless to use. It’s called water, and you drink it.
I recommend sip water throughout the whole day and you will easily get through 3l and that is my recommendation.Bottled water might end up costing you a pretty penny if you drink 3l a day and most people say they don't want to drink tap water cause of the taste or chemicals.Invest in a tap filter!The taste difference is enormous and the water quality is great and safe!
Healthy skin,body and mind!Water water water!

07-22-2010, 12:10 PM
Does bad skin cause you anxiety cause you know that people are looking or starring?Every day I add new exiting health and fitness tips to my blog.Send me a message and i'll get the link to you!
Here is today's tip..
The facts are these. Not Pepsi, not beer, not juice, not even tea can replace the magical, rejuvenating effects of that old classic, H2O.
One of the most wonderful skin care treatments is easily available to everyone, has side benefits that affects not just your rosy glow but your whole body, and is utterly painless to use. It’s called water, and you drink it.
I recommend sip water throughout the whole day and you will easily get through 3l and that is my recommendation.Bottled water might end up costing you a pretty penny if you drink 3l a day and most people say they don't want to drink tap water cause of the taste or chemicals.Invest in a tap filter!The taste difference is enormous and the water quality is great and safe!
Healthy skin,body and mind!Water water water!
Hi, thanks for sharing your experience on anxiety. I was also suffering from this problem.