View Full Version : AHGHHH!!!!!

07-21-2010, 12:25 PM
Hi, I am a 28 year old male.

Over the last year I have had a really rough time. I have a crappy dead end job and I have been in a rough relationship. Financially i am in ruins, I live at home and my girlfriend's parents despise the hell out of me. my girlfriend has many issues with her parents and I got sucked into that as well. She is treated like a child (she is 22) and when I say child I mean she is treated like she 13, literally, to the point where they are now in therapy after a traumatic event happened in my house in front of my whole family.

back to that in a minute.

Back in 2006 I had a major panic episode that lasted for months, went to the ER and was put on lexapro (which i didnt take) It slowly subsided and the physical symptoms went away.

while walking to work early on in 2010 i began to experience intermittent tightness in my knee cap that went away after a few moments, also I began to notice that sometimes when i was walking I could hear a clicking in my neck area, near the base of my skull.

later on in 2010 i convinced my girlfriend to leave her house and move into my house. she was there for 8 days, during that time my shoulder really started to bug me, and when i would take a hot shower my shoulder and leg would go numb (the same leg that would get stiff)

well 8 days after my girl moved in we invited her parents for coffee with my family. during which they dragged my girlfriend out kicking and screaming, insulting my whole family. The cops were called, and my girlfriend wasn't even asked if she wanted to remain there, she was ordered by the cops to remain there... (her uncle is a cop and was present)

I fell into a depression after that, and lost 10 pounds from not eating right. I was working during this time covering a really stressful posisition for 2 weeks. my symptoms slowly started to get worse, my shoulder would crunch and my leg started to feel week.

I am unable to workanymore due to my symptoms. here is the list

neck crunches and pops like gravel
shoulder crunches and grinds
shoulder is weak
whole body seems weak
knee is weak and stiff and i can hear the kneecap click when i walk.
all my joints are popping like crazy.
cannot walk for any extended period of time before legs feel like jello.
problems swallowing
shortness of breath
muscles twich in legs arms face and chest
my calfs seem to contract and stay that way, i can feel pressure in
the muscles of my legs when i am laying down.

there is more but i cannot remember them...

My questions are, can a prolonged period of heavy stress (over a year)
cause all of these symptoms? I am about to lose my job and my insurance, and I am currently on zoloft for 7 days. I have not been able to work for over a month...

please someone who has gone through the same thing help me!! I am afraid that this is MS OR ALS and i am going out of my mind!!!

07-22-2010, 06:33 PM
Hi, I am a 28 year old male.

Over the last year I have had a really rough time. I have a crappy dead end job and I have been in a rough relationship. Financially i am in ruins, I live at home and my girlfriend's parents despise the hell out of me. my girlfriend has many issues with her parents and I got sucked into that as well. She is treated like a child (she is 22) and when I say child I mean she is treated like she 13, literally, to the point where they are now in therapy after a traumatic event happened in my house in front of my whole family.

back to that in a minute.

Back in 2006 I had a major panic episode that lasted for months, went to the ER and was put on lexapro (which i didnt take) It slowly subsided and the physical symptoms went away.

while walking to work early on in 2010 i began to experience intermittent tightness in my knee cap that went away after a few moments, also I began to notice that sometimes when i was walking I could hear a clicking in my neck area, near the base of my skull.

later on in 2010 i convinced my girlfriend to leave her house and move into my house. she was there for 8 days, during that time my shoulder really started to bug me, and when i would take a hot shower my shoulder and leg would go numb (the same leg that would get stiff)

well 8 days after my girl moved in we invited her parents for coffee with my family. during which they dragged my girlfriend out kicking and screaming, insulting my whole family. The cops were called, and my girlfriend wasn't even asked if she wanted to remain there, she was ordered by the cops to remain there... (her uncle is a cop and was present)

I fell into a depression after that, and lost 10 pounds from not eating right. I was working during this time covering a really stressful posisition for 2 weeks. my symptoms slowly started to get worse, my shoulder would crunch and my leg started to feel week.

I am unable to workanymore due to my symptoms. here is the list

neck crunches and pops like gravel
shoulder crunches and grinds
shoulder is weak
whole body seems weak
knee is weak and stiff and i can hear the kneecap click when i walk.
all my joints are popping like crazy.
cannot walk for any extended period of time before legs feel like jello.
problems swallowing
shortness of breath
muscles twich in legs arms face and chest
my calfs seem to contract and stay that way, i can feel pressure in
the muscles of my legs when i am laying down.

there is more but i cannot remember them...

My questions are, can a prolonged period of heavy stress (over a year)
cause all of these symptoms? I am about to lose my job and my insurance, and I am currently on zoloft for 7 days. I have not been able to work for over a month...

please someone who has gone through the same thing help me!! I am afraid that this is MS OR ALS and i am going out of my mind!!!

Sounds like we have a few things in common, apart from the relationship angle! I was convinced I had MS when I first got anxiety for alot of the same reasons that you suggest.

In answer to your questions though....

neck crunches and pops like gravel
As with shoulder, unbelievably common and not remotely dangerous. It can be come a bit of an OCD thing where you keep testing it to see if it clicks which can wear the joint a bit but wont cause any discomfort.

shoulder crunches and grinds
See above, alot of people feel anxious of this but it means nothing, its just a catch point in the shoulder socket.

shoulder is weak
Can be an extension of the above, or related to below.

whole body seems weak
Stress and anxiety cause an adrenaline rush, which when you run out leaves you feeling weak and lethargic.

knee is weak and stiff and i can hear the kneecap click when i walk.
all my joints are popping like crazy.
Same with shoulder and neck.

cannot walk for any extended period of time before legs feel like jello.

Adrenal use or potentially lack of fitness, nothing harmful there though!

problems swallowing
shortness of breath
muscles twich in legs arms face and chest
my calfs seem to contract and stay that way, i can feel pressure in
the muscles of my legs when i am laying down.

Il group these all together, all of them trademark anxiety traits and nearly all suffers will have had these at some point or another!

Try not to stress about it, get out and do some exercise, maybe try some yoga too. Trust me, all your symptoms are unpleasant but are almost certainly anxiety.

07-22-2010, 07:28 PM
wow, thanks for the well thought out reply, it really does make me feel a bit better to have my symptoms picked out like that and related to.

I am feeling slightly better tonight, maybe the zoloft is kicking in.

And that episode with my girls parents, my body tensed so hard i thought i was going to burst apart... man, this girl is worth it though...

07-26-2010, 07:33 PM
wow, thanks for the well thought out reply, it really does make me feel a bit better to have my symptoms picked out like that and related to.

I am feeling slightly better tonight, maybe the zoloft is kicking in.

And that episode with my girls parents, my body tensed so hard i thought i was going to burst apart... man, this girl is worth it though...

No problem at all, I know how hard the whole anxiety thing can be. With anxiety we are often guilty of picking out all these things, adding them all together and creating a much bigger monster. Bit like adding 2 and 2 and getting 5.

Glad your feeling better though and glad shes worth the trouble! :)

07-27-2010, 08:51 AM
Seems that you are pretty stressed, if I say try not to get stressed out, you would probably tell me you dont know what im going through...

And thats true, but you should really relax, allow things to happen, sometimes we try to control everything at once...

and you cant...

let things happen, accept that things have happened, and just take everything easy...

By stressing about everything around you, you are only making yourself feel sick and ill about it...

All of these phsical symptoms like your knee your shoulder, feeling shot in breathe are all physical symptoms of anxiety...

feelin as if you are goin insane is also a symptom of anxiety...

The best thing i suggest, no matter how bad your problem is, take things easy, because its only going to affect you with more anxiety problems, take a few minutes to yourself aday just to RELAX!

suffered from anxiety for several years, in fact it got to a point when I couldnt step outside of the house LITERALLY!

I started to do relaxation excercises like meditation, and using a a tool which I recommend...

I found that the meditation really relaed me, and made me feel at peace...

I have to say I really recommend a tool that I used which worked really well for me, in fact that is the main reason of how I got rid of it...

This FREE tool is so powerful tool that it can work within weeks!
some say within days...

To get FREE instant access to it click on the link below...

Im sure it will work for you, as it has been proven to work...

All the best Kalrin ;)

Just remember to RELAX!

08-01-2010, 08:27 PM
Pheonix, thanks for the support man, really.

Louise, please stop trying to sell crap to people here, I appreciate your words but I am not going to click that link...

08-02-2010, 12:06 AM
Pheonix, thanks for the support man, really.

Anytime mate, sometimes trying to talk about these things with people who dont or havent suffered anxiety can be a bit like talking to a wall!