View Full Version : Anxiety,exercise and the power of chemicals in your brain.

07-20-2010, 04:35 AM
Hi everyone..as a personal trainer I have seen the positive results exercise WILL have on anxiety and depression.I have found a couple of quotes that I'm happy to share with you...Johannes6
Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, releases hormones, stimulates the nervous system, and increases levels of morphinelike substances found in the body (such as beta-endorphin) that can have a positive effect on mood. Exercise may trigger a neurophysiological high-a shot of adrenaline or endorphins- that produces an antidepressant effect in some, an antianxiety effect in others, and a general sense of "feeling better" in most.
Michael H. Sacks, M.D.: Exercise For Stress Control.
Exercise can be a powerful method of relaxation, and it can help people deal effectively with the stress of daily life. In various studies, researchers have found that exercise can decrease anxiety and depression, improve an individual's self-image, and buffer people from the effects of stress. Not every study has shown the precise benefits the investigators were looking for; but taken as a whole, the research strongly supports the common experience that exercise can elevate mood and reduce anxiety and stress. Some early studies even suggest that the stress-reducing effect of exercise-not just its cardiovascular benefits-may help improve physical health.
Michael H. Sacks, M.D.: Exercise For Stress Control

Hope you found that helpful.Remember when you exercise you must do it at least 3 times per week and you must be on that wonderful machine called the treadmill for at least 20-45 minutes per time!Ask any personal trainer around to help you calculate your VO2 max.They will know what it is.If you want me to explain how you can work that out just send me message and Ill get back to you.You need to exercise at roughly 70% for 20-45 minutes of your VO2 max to get the real exercising benefits.

Get back to me with any questions..Exercise works miracles!

Nadia A
07-22-2010, 04:03 PM

I totally agree. Excersise has helped me a little. I know for sure even just a 30minute walk does me good. Though it is not the easiest thing to get started but once I can drag myself up out the chair feeling low I do feel much better.


07-23-2010, 12:36 AM
Good for you!It's always hard to get going but once you are up like you said it's great.To help motivate me I always think of something nice or exciting that I can do after my exercise.a treat of sorts..Like maybe a 1 cold beer..That always get's me up and going!
For daily health tips and advice please visit jason-healthtips and I'm on blogger.
Good luck to you!

07-23-2010, 03:00 PM
Remember when you exercise you must do it at least 3 times per week and you must be on that wonderful machine called the treadmill for at least 20-45 minutes per time!

Although exercise seems to be most commonly associated with such things as gyms, treadmills, and stationary bikes, exercising outdoors is probably more beneficial for sufferers of depression/anxiety. Many depression/anxiety sufferers find that being outdoors in a natural setting just makes them feel better. Also, it is easier to motivate yourself to exercise if you know that there is something nice to go along with it. So when it is possible, outdoor hiking/walking/running/cycling is probably the best way to go, especially when you are trying to get into the habit of regular exercise.