View Full Version : 18 years old, and i've had it. help?

07-19-2010, 08:05 PM
I will start off by saying that my mother suffers from depression (she is on medication), and my sister does as well. My father suffers from very bad anxiety. He takes medication for that as well.

My sister is very much like my mom (genetically speaking) and I am very much like my dad. My dad's anxiety is as so: he gets annoyed by the littlest things in the world (gum chewers, coughing, typing, seeing me sit too close to the screen, etc...). It drives him insane, and when he's on his medication, he is so much easier to be around.

I find myself following in his footsteps. I hate it. I hate when my mom chews; she makes the most annoying squishing noise (to me). Nobody else notices of course. It makes me want to lash out and hit something. I can't be next to her when she's eating because it'll just make my stomach churn. The problem with this is that it makes her feel bad. It makes me look like a bad person, and she often gets the feeling that I don't like her (because stupid things she does annoys me). But I can't help it! Her coughing makes me want to scream out of anger. Just thinking about it makes me grimace. I mean, she knows I love her to death. We're very close. But it makes dinner arrangements hard.

I also cannot stand loud typists. In one of my classes this year, I would shut off the computer next to me so the girl who usually sits there would hold off her typing as long as possible. I couldn't concentrate when she typed. I couldn't read. I would clench my jaws and fists. Again, it makes my stomach churn.

And just random things too.. Like before, I made a sandwich and I got dressing everywhere by accident. I got sooooooo angry and I just wanted to lash out again! And my attitude pissed off my sister and my mom and it caused a fight. I just can't help it.

Do I have a problem or am I just overreacting? The list could go on of the things that annoy me, too.