View Full Version : I'm 19 and I feel like I have a million problem's

07-19-2010, 07:46 AM
A lot of people don't really believe me when I say i'm depressed and have anxiety and social phobia etc etc ( the list goes on) because I am a young and very successful in my career and an continuously climbing the business ladder. It probably all started from early childhood when I was overweight and extremely self conscious. Anorexia began at about age 13 and I beat it physically with the gym and built a good 40-50lbs of muscle from age 15 to 19. but mentally I am VERY insecure and I would even say I have quite a distorted self image. i mean people on the streets have told me I'm beautiful (i'm a male by the way lol) yet I constantly feel ugly and disgusting. Friends and family will reassure me but that doesnt work, obviously I wish it did but my mind races all the time and compliments just role off when the way I feel is so much more powerful.
I am an extreme perfectionist when it comes to my job and I unintentionally place a massive amount of pressure on myself to be the best. I have suffered from chronic insomnia and panic attacks for as long as I can now remember yet my doctor had brushed off my cries for help(he finally put me on an ssri but ill get into that later). I also became a prisoner of my own home because My anxiety is too much to handle when I go out. I LOVE to go out and have a good time but I just cant anymore. I start to sweat, my face turns red and I feel like everyone is staring at me.
To make things worse I have OCD, nothing too extreme i guess because its only focused on a few things, like money and My body image but thinking about my body every second of the day (literally) is so f*cking stressful. It makes me very depressed. I have a body image in my head that I want but fear that even once i acheive it, i won't even know it and still feel insecure.
I am seeing a psychologist but its expensive and I just dont see how talking can help.. it only seems to help for that hour and about and hour after then it all fades.
I have a girlfriend and we have sex everyday, sometimes I can't perform because my mind is on so many other things but I guess on the plus side this keeps me faithful because I have never cheated probably because I would have to much anxiety to go through with it lol! no but seriously I love her too much and we were best friends first before we dated.

I also can't sit still, and when i can(which is never) my mind goes extra hard anyways) I think thats why I have trouble sleeping.. I have to use sleeping meds or i just cant fall asleep and yes I had insomnia before the ssri's so its not from that but now i notice I wake up much earlier on the ssri(zoloft) for example if I normally woke up at 11am I now wake up at around 6 something am and cant fall asleep again. I was always getting in trouble in school for being disrupted. dont get me wrong. my teachers loved me and my personality but i just found school so damn boring. I am actually getting results for an adhd test at the end of the month so ill know for sure whats up.

I get some extreme mood swings that I cant control. I have to try sooooo hard not to snap sometimes. and other times when I feel fine when someone talks to me My reply comes out very angry and that even throws me off because I didnt expect it. I have never been violent with people(only in sports I would have an occasional fight but i always tried to be passive because I know I have a bad temper (thats another thing i worry about when I go to malls etc) because i get major anxiety and sweat and feel closed in by stares, I fear I might snap on someone someday and just f*ck them up really bad and I really dont want to do something like that because that just isnt be..

but I often get these feelings and thoughts when this anger hits my insides out of no where and I just want to clock someone like a smartass cashier or someone pulling a dumb f*cking sarcastic joke on me. It f*cking gets under my damn skin and I just want to teach them a lesson not to fuck with people they don't know.

I have had freak attacks and totalled a few doors and drywall in my house, which to be honest feels effing amazing.. when I snap, something HAS to break or the feelings wont go away. Ive been pretty good with that though.. its been a about a month since i took a bat to a chair.

I am also an adrenaline junkie. I have a really fast car and sometimes i go a little overboard because I LOVE when my heart starts to pound it makes me feel fucking alive! I feel it in my entire body. also I don't do drugs or drink so I cant blame those things for the way I am.

actually everything I am discribing is exactly how my dad said he was and kind of still is but he has clonazepam to help him cope.

I kind of forgot where I was going with this but uh yea, my doctor says hes pretty sure I am not bipolar which is nice to hear because I dont want to be fucked up. but the adhd test I took was quite extensive and I believe they check for that as well.

I apologize for making this long and my language aswell, I think it gets blocked out anyway though

so yea I have been on zoloft for about 3 weeks now i think, started on 25mg for a weeks then 50mg for 2 weeks and I start 75mg's in a few days. My doc also gave me clonazepams to take until the zoloft kicks in. but so far the zoloft has done nothing in my opinion. I wake up with anxiety, I am still depressed, I still have major problems leaving my house. I get anxiety attacks at work. I hate being a damn shut in.

yes of course i have thought about suicide. i had since I was young (i was an athletic male with anorexia..) but I would NEVER do it and i know that..
I think it is selfish, I would ruin my friends and family lives because of my own bullshit so I think suicide is the epitome of a narcissist behaviour and is out of the question.. plus i have wayyyy to many goals to acheive

My question is.. what if the zoloft doesnt work. will i feel it work? because so far my anxiety etc is all the same. I am worried about sexual side effects aswell. the first week or 2 it took me like 2 hours to orgasm lol I already lasted long and 2 hours is just annoying lol! but i seem to be back to normal but if I did end up with a problem like ED.. would I tell my doc? i mean would there be something to fix it?
sometimes I also feel like im in a bit of a dream. and I have been dreaming things that are so damn real now that I cant remember what really happend and what was a dream.. Ive heard zoloft can make you forgetful(which it has.. I forget pretty much entire weekends.. no lie) and I already forgot things all the time because i'm pretty sure I had ADD.

I would love some opinions etc.. I'm not completely f*ucked am I?
I dont mind being a bit of a mad hatter because crazy people have more fun:p but I'm not alone.. right?

07-20-2010, 11:59 PM
Long post!

I cant comment on the meds side or the body image side but the whole feeling like your going to snap thing is just a stress/anxiety reaction.

My advice with the meds, just monitor it and see how it goes for you, any questions then ask your doc!

07-22-2010, 09:10 PM
Pills cannot permanently correct the mind, they can help, but it is too complex a problem and too deeply rooted. Not meaning to be pessimistic, but it is true. There is only one way and that is meditation. The mind is an absolute madman. Everybody's mind is. Whether they suffer anxiety or not, everybody's mind is rushing from one thing to the next all day long like a monkey going from this branch to that branch at light speed back and forth over and over and over again. This desire, over to this fear, to this hate, to this problem, to this love, to this attachment and back to desire again. Meditating you simply watch the mind, completely detached from it, you let it do whatever it wants, and bit by bit it slows down and settles. Thoughts that have been winding you up cease to be. Watching anger, anger deteriorates, watching desire, desire deteriorates. The reason people in the East are poor but are happy and peaceful is because meditation is the norm for them. When we feel bad we sit and watch crap on tv or set goals for ourself as though either is going to fix them. I've been doing it all my life. They have a look inside, and get rid of it first-hand.

My anxiety used to be really bad and I've been depressed on and off for years. Now after understanding meditation I would say my anxiety doesn't bother me in a painful way at all, which it used to, and I'm not depressed really at all. Check out the book Meditation: The First and Last Freedom by Osho. I'd read loads and loads on meditation but this was really the book that nailed it home in the simplest yet deepest way. I honestly cannot recommend it enough. The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle is another good one about understanding the mind and all it's problems, not about meditation directly, but very very helpful and interesting. So no, you're most definetely not completely fucked! If anything you've found a way out. Good luck on your journey dude :) .