View Full Version : Anxiety-Born with it or given to you???

07-19-2010, 02:03 AM
As I've had my first attack on my first day of pre-school I often wonder if I was born with anxiety or did something happen to cause anxiety.
I certainly don't remember any bad experiences and I come from an average good old family.Maybe something did happen and I just blocked it out.No matter what I've been told I still wonder...

07-19-2010, 02:26 PM
'As I've had my first attack on my first day of pre-school'

what does that mean exactly??

in relation to your question, i doubt it is something we are born with, something happens to us that causes it, whether we realise it or not, we have to find out what it is and whether we find ot or not we still have to deal with the problem, sometimes its the smallest thing that can start it off and it can happen to the strongest of people, but when it happens it has to be addressed

interesting question though as i was reading an article on psychology today a while back where some are now saying that new born babies can be diganoised with clinical depression, its a new theory so i subbose there will be debates about it , but if thats possible then i suppose it could also be true fro anxiety!!!

07-19-2010, 02:30 PM
don't over think this too much. I think that's a habit many of us tend to have (myself included). In some ways, I think it may have come from the emphasis in psychoanalysis on the theory that they have to find the root cause of the problem before you can solve.

most psychologist now feel that that, to put it politely, is a bunch of baloney. The metaphor I like is of a GPS. GPS never ask you how you got where you are. It just asked you where you want to go.

The other point about your situation is that being anxious and afraid on your first day of preschool is a pretty normal reaction to such a big change. you may have just been does normal little kid with a normal degree of anxiety about going out into the big world for the first time.

There's always a combination of nature and nurture and it doesn't have to be a traumatic event that leads to do anxiety. For example, if your parents were generally anxious and worried about everything and demonstrated that behavior to you it's likely that you would face new events with worry and anxiety as well.

Take good care

07-19-2010, 02:36 PM
there is some suggestion that at least some of a tendency toward anxiety and panic attacks is genetic, but that doesn't hold true for all cases. Also it's difficult to tease out just which part is related to the genes in which is learned behavior.

There's a discussion of this genes versus environment debate at:

http://www.panicattackrelease.com/panic ... genes.html (http://www.panicattackrelease.com/panic-attacks-and-genes.html)

But again, we don't have to know why ever anxious to do something about and even if we have a genetic predisposition we can do something about it.

07-19-2010, 03:16 PM
well said jeff, thats why i said it doesnt matter why we or how we got it, we have it and thats what needs to be realised, some will figure what caused their anxiety others wont , the important thing is you focus on getting well

07-19-2010, 03:51 PM
there is some suggestion that at least some of a tendency toward anxiety and panic attacks is genetic, but that doesn't hold true for all cases

Of course it is . Anxiety is a human fuction , It is something that has and always will be built into the body and this is what people become scared of . Doctors name it along with many other things under the same banner such as Social phobias , oct , etc . They call it a disorder . It is no such thing it is a human fuction that is just working out of whack . It is just something the body does to protect us from danger and something that works overtime on some of us .

Anyone can get anxiety and everyone has it on some level . It only becomes a problem when we become scared of it and dont understand it . Anxiety is all about the reaction to the stress symptoms that cause anxiety. If you understand the symptoms and how they come about and work on repairing you body so that it is reading stress on a lower level and does not have symptoms of stress then the anxiety will go . You cannot have anxiety when your system is calm unless it is from a medical reason and that is uncommon and easliy found .

So yes we are born with it , but that is not to say that it is the problem . The problem is we may never of learn how to handle it and have become scared of it . By becoming scared of it we end up in a circle . They call this the circle of fear , fear feeding more fear with no real know cause that can be seen .

I agree with the others . There is a way of treatment out there about this crap about let find the problem . let look in our past and see what has caused the problem . I beleive that this is a load of rubbish and tired that route but it made me worst . It didnt make me worst because i was facing things from my past , it made me worst because it wasnt addressing the problem . That problem was why do i feel the way i do now not 30 years ago.

Yes there may be problems with the past but to start from there and work forward is madness in my eyes . We live in the now and we need to start here and then work backwards untill we find that we have delt with what needs to .

I had a interesting childhood and much of the treatment i recivced was base on this . Much of it was base on what they thought was a problem but what i had already delt with and moved on from .

I agree with JeffB I think it is something that happened and something you have become scared of and have not faced . It has sort of built since that day and is slowly getting worst . What you faced on that day was normal for you and many others and you just need to work on the now .

Work on facing those fears you have now on how you feel , work on understanding on a body level how they are working , work on your diet , on removing stress and you will get past it .

I hit my limit about 18 months ago and was then placed on drugs which made things worst , I became withdrawn , couldnt sleep , couldnt drive , couldnt leave the house . I lived a drug nightmare for 4 months. But today after facing my anxiety and learning about it i am nearly healed . I have no true anxiety but my body is still settling down and still learning to handle diffrent stresses .

You will get better but you have to do the work , Drugs will not cure you only time and understanding and both of those will take as long as they do , But will happen if you want it to

cheers kev :D

07-20-2010, 01:47 AM
Hi Kenja...this is a reply to what you asked...As iv'e had my first attack my first day of pre-school...
The day itself I don't really remember...but what has always been stuck in my mind was after my mother picked me up from pre-school and we arrived home I remember telling her that I did not want to go back there...
I was at one point on my knees begging her saying to her I would do anything as I was crying on my knees holding on to her on leg..

I was i suppose just not prepared for the shock of being around so many kids running up and down...etc...My mother gave in to my oscar performance..had she not I think that I would have gotten over it over the next few times..instead...as the days grew closer to that first day of real big school so did the fear of something that I could of course not put my finger on..

I'm doing almost great these days..I have a few tricks that has helped me over the years that I will share with you all in my next post..Thank you for all your replies...I have enjoyed reading through all of them...



07-20-2010, 04:41 PM
BOTH. The mixture of your social environment and genetics.

07-20-2010, 04:55 PM
I started picking my skin at around 9 years old. That was the beginning of one of physical evidences that I had anxiety. At that age there wasn't any stress I was suffering from. I was a kid really and compared to what I deal with now pales in comparison to how much I worried when I was 9. Now that I look back on it, there was alot of evidence of me having anxiety but I didn't experienced the bad senseations yet of course. There would always be a lump in my throat. Another anxiety symptom. I would also have DP that lasted a couple of seconds at times. I also convinced myself that I had interstatial cystis (sp). After that I suffered the huge panick attack and THEN i disocovered what anxiety is and everything about it.

07-20-2010, 11:50 PM
Its a combination I think, there is a definate genetic link. I know its pretty common across my mums side of the family and a couple of my cousins really battle it as well.

I think its more common now than it used to be, possibly from more diagnoses of it but I actually think the increase in IT is responsible. We see so much on TV and read stuff on the internet that its implanted in our brains.

07-27-2010, 05:27 AM
I agree..the tv is poison.People are fascinated when something terrible has happened.You see them glued to the tv or newspaper when watching or reading some tragic story.Most of any newspaper is negative.It might be true but still negative.
I wonder how the world would change if for 1 whole year all tv news stations and all newspapers around the world wold only write positive news stories.

07-27-2010, 08:58 AM
I have to say that no one was born with it...

in fact it doesnt even have to come from friends and family, influence on society can seriously trigger...

Its amazing what is going on around us in our lives, without us knowing we are being prgrammed to feeling fear, without us even noticing!

here is a free tool that I used to clear my anxiety, I havent had anxiety for 2 years now...

its really powerful...

remember no one was born with anxiety, and even if so, you can still change things around, you have the complete power to change anything you want about yourself...

I have pretty powerful stuff to share with you Johanne, check it out on the link below...

Hope it helps Johanne ;)

All the best

Louise Evans

07-27-2010, 11:25 AM
Thank you Louise.Will def check it out.