View Full Version : Pre-school...my first attack...can this be??

07-18-2010, 05:06 AM
I have suffered from social anxiety for 30 odd years...My first memory of anxiety was my first day at pre-school..can you imagine??I always wonder what went wrong or what happened that day or was it something that happened before that day already??
I remember begging my mother as soon as we got home not to make me go back there again..As I was holding onto her one leg I was on my knees in tears.She failed to realize I have some sort of disorder..In fact I always believed that I'm just a shy one...and I suppose she did too...The mistake was I believe....is that she gave in to my begging and crying and I was allowed to stay at home not gaining any social skills and that made life very hard in primary school and that carried over into high school and all this time I believed that I simply was just a shy one and that all people who were a little shy felt exactly the same...I was suffering and I did not even know it.I thought this is just the way it is.

The anxiety has stayed with me since that day...That horribly terrifying day when I was just 6 years old..I still don't know what happened that day or before that day...Is it possible to be born with anxiety?I don't know...

I have beaten this ugly disorder...It took hard work but it was worth every effort...email me at hduplooy20 at hotmail and I will send you the link that changed my whole perspective which led to me recovering...I was almost like a snowball effect.Surreal in a way..like leaving your body and leaving all the pain behind..Permanently escaping that dark world....

You are not alone and remember to keep fighting!
