View Full Version : Cure

07-17-2010, 04:34 PM

I don't really know how to start but I woke up today and really figured like I needed to go somewhere and share, as I feel I've found a genuine way out of anxiety, depression, panic attacks. Let me start by saying that since I've been quite young I've been a worrier. I worried about the future, I worried about everything other than the odd times when I forgot about my self. They began to really mess with my life from the ages of being about 14-16. I went to the doctors but they simply said it was OCD with repetitive thoughts and prescribed me some chemicals, I knew this was ridiculous at the time and it didn't really help other than perhaps the placebo effect. They said I should I see a cognitive therapist which I declined, as did I a second prescription of the pills. I tried to use copious amounts of alcohol, cigarettes and weed from being around 16 unil around 6 months ago when I gave them all up (I'm nearly 21) when I came to terms with the fact that although they provided a temporary escape it was pushing me further into my unconconscious where the anxiety exists.

Around the age of 19 I decided I wanted to understand nutrition, after realising that if mind and body are connected, then all the junk I'm eating can't be helping at all! A book I purchased called The Food Doctor: Healing Foods for Mind and Body helped tremendously. It really helped me alot. It wasn't through this book although I am very thankful to it, that I discovered that eating meat produces a LOT of anxiety. Not because there is something inherent in flesh that causes stress, but because the animals we eat are absolutely terrified and full of worry up until the moment it has its throat slit in a dank slaughterhouse. All that goes into the blood and therefore into the meat. Which then becomes part of you. After one day of very intense anxiety the day after I'd eaten two big beef burgers around 3 months ago I realised that it was make or break time. After a week the clarity of mind I got was ridiculous, although it seemed to take a few months to detox all the crap out of my body. I keep it still and can't ever see myself going back.

Anywayyyy, going back around 4 months ago I had a constant worry that was killing me one night. I was laid in bed worrying and searching the net on my Wii looking for an answer to end this worry. I went through several anxiety sites until I came to a page on fear a Buddhist site called view on buddhism (I would link but it says I haven't enough posts). I didn't know anything at all about Buddhism, but the site made sense. I'm not a Buddhist to this day I might add. I found out that although there was alot of debate over whether Buddhism was a science, a philosophy or religion, the basis of it is purifying the mind. There is no ultimate creator God in it, the Buddha was simply a man who realised that life has a lot of suffering, and that there must be a way to end suffering. He found it after 6 years, calling it Enlightenment, and taught other people how to attain it too.

I didn't fully understand it at first, which ironically provided me with a lot of stress. I've spent a LOT of time trying to logically understand everything he taught, as well as alot of other teachers. But ultimately I realised the ONLY thing that can actually help was the basis of all his teachings: meditation.

I've being trying and trying to understand it for at least a month, but I finally understood the other day and honestly, truly, I feel I've found a way out of it all. I feel I've found the only key and I needed to share it. By watching your thoughts, without judging, they dissappear. The only reason anxiety exists is because you fight with it. We want bad thoughts to leave so we hate them and try and avoid them and push them away as an automatic reaction. But by pushing it out you simply give it energy, you simply set it in motion. If you don't do anything it has no power at all. It is completely powerless. Please look at these books, they will definitely offer a better explanation than I ever could. The first and second being most important, Osho - Meditation: The First and Last Freedom, Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now, Bhante G - Mindfulness In Plain English. Trust me, give up your preconceived ideas of what it is and give it a try. Nutrition helps alot but meditation is the key, nutrition is the fuel. I'm only starting but I know now that meditation is the answer to any problem. No problem of the mind can be solved by the mind. There's plenty of stuff in my mind I still run away from automatically, I'm only starting, but I know that if I have the guts to face thoughts, they run away.

07-25-2010, 05:19 PM
Hey WillC23,

I was so happy to find your post. I completely agree that it is all about taking the fear away and accepting that you are having those thoughts. Challenge them by saying 'come on then, whats the worst you can do to me?' I got rid of my anxiety a couple of years ago by doing exactly what you described. Unfortunately it seems to have appeared again though so I am going to try reading some of the books you recommended and some meditation.

Im not sure I could stop eating meat, I exercise a lot and need the energy but its refreshing to find a post on here that offers a form of acceptance rather than suppression. Its not easy being self-diciplined and remaining calm and welcoming when those thoughts occur, in fact its incredibly hard, but I actually think it may be the only way out of the anxiety loop.
