View Full Version : Introducing Myself

07-17-2010, 12:41 PM
My name is Corrina. I am an anxiety sufferer. I decided to join this forum for several reasons. One, I like tolearn from others experiences and gain knowledge by hearing about what others go through and what theyhave discovered. Two, I hope that others feel the same way, sharing my story helps me deal with my anxiety. Three, months in the making, I would like to introduce my website. I put together this website originally to use as my personal playground and used it to vent, journal, cope, and heal. I began noticing that there were alot of people out there that was feeling the same way I was so I decided to make it more public in the hopes that I could reach people that were going through the same things I was expereincing. i really just want to help people. I want everyone that is going through this in there life to know they are not alone. I hope that I can accomplish this task my allowing my experiences into other peoples lifes. I know how horrible anxiety and depression can be. I am brutally honest with what I go through. I am no longer afraid to talk about it in fear that people will think less of me or place judgement. I am here to lay it all out on the table for the world to see, and I don't care what judgements are placed and what anyone else thinks about it. I hope that everyone that suffers from this trial in life can overcome it with strength and courage. Becasue it can be beat.
