View Full Version : Feel normal after a few drinks?

Captain Deep Breath
07-14-2010, 11:30 AM
Is it normal to feel normal after a few drinks? They call alcohol liquid confidence so i can see how it could make it look as though you feel better.

Is this what anxiety meds do? Just give you a little "feel good" feelings?

I guess if you had a brain tumor or something, alcohol wouldn't make it feel better. I guess it should be kind of a relief to know that it's just confidence issues that can be worked out. Gotta be careful not to abuse of alcohol though, i don't need a second problem.

Anyone on the same boat?

07-14-2010, 12:27 PM
I'm in the boat sailing with you friend! :oops: I drink every night to feel like "myself". Especially after dealing with a day of work and trying to be everything to everyone while suffering on the inside...trying to hide my anxiety and panic attacks when I have them. I have been honest with my therapist about this issue and she said it's very common for people with an anxiety disorder to also abuse some sort of substance. I am working hard in therapy, but this seems to be my biggest issue because of the relief factor I receive. :cry:

Captain Deep Breath
07-14-2010, 07:41 PM

Sorry to hear that. I haven't abused alcohol, but rather just noticed how much better I feel when I've had a few. Like the pressure in your mind just releases itself. I'll try not to fall into the trap, good luck!

07-15-2010, 09:08 AM
Yeah, I am working on it. But you are right it's like all the pressure is released and all is well with the world :|