View Full Version : Hypnotherapy / NLP for Agoraphobia?

07-11-2010, 12:18 PM
Hello there members,

I've joined this forum to get some insight and opinion from fellow sufferers.

Having experienced agorophobia / social anxiety / generalised anxiety disorder for approximately sixteen years (intermittently - some years with little or no anxiety whatsoever), I have succesfully eliminated the majority of my anxiety, with the exception of three main agoraphobia symptoms:

1. Fear of flying;
2. Fear of driving on motorways or long distances;
3. Bad anxiety when away from "home" places (such as my home, or my parents' home).

I have finished medication (SSRI - Citalopram) some montha ago and CBT treatment last year, thanks to good recovery in most of my anxiety issues - however these three same situations set me off. I've heard NLP or hypnotherapy can be good for treating agoraphobia, has anyone tried it? I am keen to get rid of the last few problems I have as it is affecting my life, at times making me upset and frustrated - I feel like I am fenced in by it.

I'd really appreciate any thoughts or suggestions you may have.

Many thanks,


07-23-2010, 12:17 PM
NLP iv'e of and it's really great, but it's just another tool to reprogram your thinking to positive thinking and to really empower yourself....

I know a few people that are using NLP, I haven't used it myself, but heard you can get amazing results....

There is another tool to reprogramme the mind, and it works for me, I used to be an anxiety sufferer, I was really bad, I had generealized anxiety, I couldn't walk out of the door, I couldn't sit with my family my friands...

I felt awkward, I felt I wasn't in control of my mind....

I am a completely different person, and infact 2 years ago, if I was to see me now I would be amazed....

In fact it works within a few weeks, it's like NLP, but you porgramme it onto your PC and it flashes postive messages onto the screen too fast for your consious mind, so your subconscious takes it in....

You'll begin to see results after 3 weeks for sure....

I definetely recommend this software it's amazing....

You can get FREE access to it by clicking the link below