View Full Version : Bizzarre thoughts/feelings

07-10-2010, 09:09 PM
Most people with anxiety cannot look at the world the same way as they used to. That is true for me as well. But now I just get random and strange thoughts and feelings. I can't put them into words, but they are about life and completely change my view on things, the way I live, my actions, existance. existance may be taking it too far, but just about the way we live. These feelings are very unsettling and I usually groan and bury my head in my hands until the thought goes away. Afterwards, I can barely remember what the thought was, and I feel how I did before I had the thought. During the thoughts I feel like I am entering a different world, and I feel out of control with my mind and my life.

I know, this is so wierd, but it is freaking me out, especially since I am afraid of losing my mind, I'm afraid that it is little moments that I actually am, before I permanently do. I doubt anyone else feels this :roll: I'm just on the path to psychosis... but if anyone else feels this, tell me! or if you thin it is normal, or really bad/strange, tell me as well.

07-11-2010, 12:38 AM
Howdy Alex

No only is it normal for anxiety , it is normal for anyone .

We have 1000s of thoughts a day and some of these can be a bit weird , or maybe we question things around us or happenings in the world .

I think with anxiety you just focus on it more just like you focus on other symptoms .

They will past as you start to settle your system down .

You are not going mad and you never will . People that are mad do not question weather they are going mad , They think what is happening is just normal . The fact you see these thoughts as strange is a good thing .

You are what you are and your mind is just the same as it was before anxiety hit , its just now it is a bit over worked

cheers kev :)

07-16-2010, 08:43 AM
I feel the same way sometimes...I've read that it's normal so you shouldn't worry

07-23-2010, 11:45 AM
I feel the exact same way, I'll be doing something completely normal and all of the sudden I start to question life and what the point of life is and I feel confused about everything like its all a dream or something made up (its a scary feeling). Sometimes the feeling is so bad I think that their is no point to life that it is better to die but I know I don't want to die, I have dreams and things I want to do but there at moments there is nothing that motivates me to work for that.

07-23-2010, 01:48 PM
this is just a normal symptom of anxiety, they call it the fight/flight response, its racing thoughts that you are getting, and its completely normal...

In fact I used to get worse, thoughts of causing harm to someone, or doing bad to others...

But if you are fearing these thoughts and you know you aont want to do them, then you have to know that this is a normal symptom of anxiety...

I got over my anxiety from a powerful tool that I used, and I still use not just for anxiety, but for everything...

It has made me feel, more confident, happy, relaxed, less anxious it's amazing...

to get FREE access to it, click the link below to change you life...

07-24-2010, 11:29 AM
your not weird or going mad at all and you should stop think this way, this is very normal and happens to most people, i agree it can be a bit overwhelming at the begining particulary when you are still trying to get used to the fact that you have anxiety, but its something that you will get used to and be able to controll and after a while you will tell yourself that its just anxious irrational thinking and get over it much quicker and not be focusing on the wrong things, so you can concentrate on getting on with things