View Full Version : Anxiety is destroying my life

07-09-2010, 02:56 PM
I have had anxiety issues for many years. Counselors here and there, meds here and there, but it's getting worse. especially when it comes to my health or my daughter's.

I am CONSUMED by the fear I may contract a horrible illness that will cause me to suffer and/or die. Each week it's something different.

I cannot escape the madness of my mind. I have physically fallen apart.I dont want to exercise or lose weight. I dont want to go out and be around people. It's like I live my life waiting for something bad to happen. I feel trapped and unable to move forward.

I know its wrong, and irrational, but its like my mind is wired wrong, like I cant get back to 'normal' thinking.

Its ruining my relationships, its ruining my life. I want to enjoy life and be thankful for all I do have. Does anyone understand what I'm talking about?

07-10-2010, 10:45 AM
I know what you're going through. My anxiety has convinced me I've had Lung Cancer, testicular cancer, a brain tumour, AIDS and lots more - pretty much anything possible, literally anything.

This will sound simplistic and is easier said than done but STAY AWAY FROM THE INTERNET when you're feeling anxious, trust me. You probably already seek assurance from the internet when you're feeling anxious but I urge you not to, the internet amplifies our anxiety to the point where our minds convince us that our thoughts are facts.

*Our thoughts are NOT facts*

It sounds like you have elements of Health Anxiety. Medication is often not the best way to treat it, there's a root to everyone's anxiety and unless we acknowledge the root of our anxiety it will continue.

I can't add anything else other than to reiterate the importance of avoiding the internet when you're anxious and repeat "thoughts are NOT facts" in your mind over and over again until it clicks.

Good luck :)

07-12-2010, 09:54 AM
Pepe, thanks for the very true response. Before the internet I had a medical dictionary, bad move. And now, the internet. Even worse. All very dangerous tools in the hands of a anxious person.

I try to stay away. I really do. Do you not go on the internet at all anymore when it comes to health related concerns? I am curious to know.

I want more than anything to stop this behaviour.It's a constant battle.

07-12-2010, 04:09 PM
Howdy all

The internet and your medical dictionary are not the problem .

It is the way you use them that is the problem .

I have had both CFS and anxiety bought on after a high stress time in my life and being addictied to drugs doctors placed me on for treating anxiety .

The differents is that when i look at the internet and medical dictionary i do not look at the problem but look at the solution .

By keep looking up symptoms all you are doing is spinning yourself out . I think it comes down to you dont believe that anxiety can cause your problems . Well guess what anxiety is a nerve problem and as the body is run by our nerve it can and does cause many many problems.

But the good news is all this can be over come , yes its hard and yes it involes work on our behalf but you can do it .

Stop looking up symptoms and start looking up anxiety cures , anxiety treatments , stress reducition . Stop searching for someone to fix you and start using some of these tips you find and work on doing it yourself .

It can be done , i know because i am at the end of my treatment and have very little anxiety these days

cheers kev :D

07-12-2010, 11:49 PM
Remember, you can never choose what someone else does and their behaviors, but you can choose your behaviors, and if you don't enjoy the anxiety, it's your choice to make changes which can lower the anxiety level.

07-13-2010, 08:43 AM
Karen, I agree with your post to an extent but I would say NO ONE "enjoys" anxiety :(

We have to train ourselves using coping skills and techniques to reduce our anxiety, it really isn't as simple as saying "I will not have anxiety right now..." Life is about choices but it's a safe bet to say no one chooses to exist shrouded in anxiety.

07-13-2010, 05:25 PM
you need to stay away from the internet like another poster said. Give yourself a break from here too.