View Full Version : I need your help!!

07-08-2010, 11:32 PM
Hello one and all! I am a counselor and healer and I specialize in emotional issues such as depression and anxiety.

I have created a very short survey to help educate myself better about what some of your main issues are.

Please help me by doing the survey I will give you a guided relaxation mp3.

thanks for your help! ;-)

What is your biggest frustration about having anxiety?

What is your biggest fear when it comes to anxiety?

What would you be willing to do to overcome your anxiety?

As a person living with anxiety: if you could have one question answered about anxiety what would it be?

What worries you - what are you afraid will happen if you don't do something immediately about your anxiety?

07-09-2010, 12:32 AM
Howdy fellow aussie :P

I shall answer your question from what i remember as i am in last stages of getting past anxiety but then i would like to ask you one . :D

What is your biggest frustration about having anxiety?
Honestly Bloody idiot people that treat for anxiety and do not have a clue what they are on about , doctors that hook people on drugs when they are not needed . Lack of understanding across the board into anxiety and the last one is the myth that you have to live with it .

What is your biggest fear when it comes to anxiety?

This one would have to have been will i loose my mind / am i losing my mind ?

What would you be willing to do to overcome your anxiety?
Did and still would do just about anything if i could see evidence in it . Some things are hard because of what anxiety itself dose to your mind .

As a person living with anxiety: if you could have one question answered about anxiety what would it be?

Hard one for me now . But i guess it would have been PLEASE EXPLAIN :D THis is all i ever wanted , I didnt want some twit telling me how to breath . Anxiety builds from fear and most of this fear is from not understanding it .

What worries you - what are you afraid will happen if you don't do something immediately about your anxiety?

Again another hard one for me . The thing is you are not affraid of anxiety but you are affraid of how you feel . Fears are projected onto things . Your brain is the one that fears it . My was driving , i could see no problem with it but yet my body would react to it with fear .

Hope that helps you out

My question . Depression any suggestions would be good . I should not be depressed now but have moments . I think that maybe i need to deal with something hidden or it is a body thingie . Depression has been around a while but not real bad now .
cheers kev :)