View Full Version : Anxiety when i try to sleep

07-08-2010, 08:29 AM
ive been getting horrible sensations when i go to bed. its like pins and needles over my body and an irrational fear that im having a stroke, had it so bad that i went to the hospital again last night just wondering if anyone has had somthing similar

07-08-2010, 02:54 PM
ive been getting horrible sensations when i go to bed. its like pins and needles over my body and an irrational fear that im having a stroke, had it so bad that i went to the hospital again last night just wondering if anyone has had somthing similar\

Hi Ron, oh boy, can I relate. I started with anxiety in Feb. and it's been hell. In April we got all the way to Mexico for a long planned 2 week vacation. I lasted two days and had to come home. The anxiety, pounding heart, dizzyness and just plain being away from home was too much. The anxiety did let up for about 6 weeks, but then started up a couple weeks ago. It seems like whenever I get away from home I start to panic, what if I need to go to a hospital, what if I'm having a heart attack or stroke. I'm constantly checking my pulse, which is always high. I can't even have any alcohol anymore or it starts everything up. I've been to the ER so many times in the past six months, had all the heart tests, artery dopplers, apparently I'm fine, but I can't get that through my head when my heart is pounding out of my chest. It's ruining my life.

07-08-2010, 09:50 PM
OP: I have been going through very similar sensations when it is time to go to sleep. Weird sensations overwhelm me and I think my brain is going to shut down or something. When I close my eyes, it feels like the world is spinning. Often times, when my eyes are closed, I see weird stuff, like silhouettes, faces, etc and it freaks me out even more. I've always had insomnia, and was never really good at 'going to sleep' but this just makes matters so much worse. No matter the setting, life is just really beginning to feel artificial and I can't enjoy anything anymore. Let's hope things improve some day, eh..

Hi Ron, oh boy, can I relate. I started with anxiety in Feb. and it's been hell. In April we got all the way to Mexico for a long planned 2 week vacation. I lasted two days and had to come home. The anxiety, pounding heart, dizzyness and just plain being away from home was too much. The anxiety did let up for about 6 weeks, but then started up a couple weeks ago. It seems like whenever I get away from home I start to panic, what if I need to go to a hospital, what if I'm having a heart attack or stroke. I'm constantly checking my pulse, which is always high. I can't even have any alcohol anymore or it starts everything up. I've been to the ER so many times in the past six months, had all the heart tests, artery dopplers, apparently I'm fine, but I can't get that through my head when my heart is pounding out of my chest. It's ruining my life.

6 weeks it went away, then it came back.. damn. That's my biggest fear really. My timeframe of this is almost identical to yours. What is it that triggered the recurrence you think? And if you don't mind my asking (maybe you've mentioned this in a different post) what do you think started the anxiety?

07-08-2010, 10:00 PM
You are not alone. My first panic attack happened while I was laying in bed(why I have no idea) So for about six weeks after that I had a panic attack about every time I went to bed. I tried sleeping on the couch, using Nyquil, sleeping pills. None of it really worked, so of course I was becoming exausted which made things even worse. I had horrible headaches everyday, I felt dizzy a lot, work was a bitch! I started fighting through it and just told myself I was fine, nothing happens when I fall asleep. So I have gotten much better at sleeping, I feel the right combination of muscle relaxing vitamins have helped and you can find a lot of people who can recommend a good combo.

If I could just get the pain in my chest to go away I think I could start living a normal life again.

07-08-2010, 10:22 PM
If I could just get the pain in my chest to go away I think I could start living a normal life again.

I went to the ER recently with immense chest pain, and got a quick little crash course on things (chest pain happens to be one of the primary reasons people go into the ER)... so maybe I can offer some direction.

Have you already seen a doctor for it?

How would you describe this 'pain'?

When does it occur?

Is there anything that triggers the pain to get worse -- After eating? Breathing? Physical pressure? Cough? Sneezing? etc.. How would you rate the pain?

Where is this pain located? Left, center, right, top, bottom, everywhere?

How long has it been occurring?

Any history of this before?

07-09-2010, 05:42 AM
6 weeks it went away, then it came back.. damn. That's my biggest fear really. My timeframe of this is almost identical to yours. What is it that triggered the recurrence you think? And if you don't mind my asking (maybe you've mentioned this in a different post) what do you think started the

Morf, My anxiety started with a panic attack completely out of the blue on Feb. 6th. I remember that day because everything has been different since then. It went from one attack to attacks every day, lots of time more than one a day, dizziness, pressure head, loss of appetite, night attacks, headaches, pretty much all the symptoms listed. I am a chronic worrier so my dr. thinks maybe that is what started the anxiety, but it's not typical. Normally anxiety manifests itself at a much earlier age than myself, 55. That is what makes it so weird. I have been diagnosed with GAD though so maybe that is why it has started. When the anxiety first started I finally figured out alcohol and anxiety did not mix so I cut out alcohol. I seemed to pull out of the anxiety and went back to having my wine and all was fine, for a while, then it came back. Maybe that is what triggered the recurrence. So once again, off the alcohol. All I know is that I am at the stage where I want to be doing things and this anxiety has gotten right in the way. Are you in anxiety mode right now or remission? if that's the right word.