View Full Version : an active chatroom for the socially anxious

04-28-2006, 03:30 PM
I and some friends of mine that I met online who also suffer from SA have set up a free chat to, well, chat in. There's about 30 of us that regularly chat there, so the channel stays lively, especially at night (in the US). Any fellow SA sufferers interested in realtime chat are welcome to join us! Topics are not limited to SA, we have a lot of fun talking about all kinds of things.

If you're interested, you can either go here http://www.sahideout.com/chat.php, or connect to irc.ircstorm.net with any irc client, and join #sahideout. Hope to see you there!

Note; with the java chat client, you'll get a popup informing you that the client has a valid software signature from a trusted source, and asks if you want to run it, you'll need to click "run" of course. If you get an error message, clear your cookies and try again.