View Full Version : Survey About Panic Attacks

07-07-2010, 11:15 PM
Hello everyone. I am new here and wanting to get some input from others experiences.
I suffered from GAD and debilitating Panic attacks for 3 years. I have been free from it all now for 13 months, there is light at the end of the tunnel!
Any comments on the following questions would be helpful. Thanks for your input!

1. What's your biggest frustration with Panic attacks/Anxiety?
2. What have you tried so far that hasn't helped with Panic attacks?
3. What is your biggest fear when it comes to Panic Attacks?
4. What worries you-what are you afraid will happen if you don't do
something immediately?
5. In what setting/situation do you most often experience Panic attacks?

07-08-2010, 10:23 AM
1. What's your biggest frustration with Panic attacks/Anxiety?
~How it holds me back from doings things I used to do.

2. What have you tried so far that hasn't helped with Panic attacks?
~Well, before I started therapy I was doing everything wrong to help me through a panic attack.

3. What is your biggest fear when it comes to Panic Attacks?

4. What worries you-what are you afraid will happen if you don't do
something immediately?

5. In what setting/situation do you most often experience Panic attacks?

07-08-2010, 09:42 PM
1. What's your biggest frustration with Panic attacks/Anxiety?
When it hits strong around people I am with who don't know I have anxiety, and wonder what the hell is wrong with me. Whether or not you tell them about the condition, it's embarrassing. People who've never gone through this really don't have the slightest clue.

2. What have you tried so far that hasn't helped with Panic attacks?
I've tried exercise, but that increases the symptoms. Also, the medication kinda helps, but not entirely.

3. What is your biggest fear when it comes to Panic Attacks?
Being around people who do not know my condition, or just how serious it actually is. E.g. The other night I had a hot date, and was terrified of going into the theater, since the last time I tried watching a movie I had to walk out 30 minutes into it.

4. What worries you-what are you afraid will happen if you don't do something immediately?
I have no idea. That is what I hate. It's all in my mind, but it's so difficult to just talk your way through an anxiety attack when you're being pummeled with various symptoms which make it impossible to function normally.

5. In what setting/situation do you most often experience Panic attacks?
Around large crowds. Large indoor areas. E.g. Malls, movie theaters, department stores, restaurants, etc.