View Full Version : I'm a complete wreck

07-06-2010, 01:39 AM
I am a newbie here and I'm desperate for some help. I have suffered from GAD with panic for several years, but recently my brain is out of control. My hypochondria has convinced me that I have a new illness every week. I can't take medications (even over the counter) because I am terrified of drug interactions or fatal side effects.

What has led me here today is the result of me trying to act like a normal human being this weekend. I took the kids for a hike in the state park which gave me a terrible migraine a few hours later. I sucked up the pain and tried to rest/distract myself. At around 9m, I decided I had to take something and reluctantly took 2 acetaminophen. Ahh relief, headache felt alot better. About 1am I found myself struggling from a bout of terrible acid reflux. I have prescription Zantac that I'm supposed to take 2x a day, but I can bring myself to do it. Once again, out of desperation, I tried to convince myself that zantac would not interact with acetaminophen (even though an interaction website said ranitidine increased blood plasma levels of acetaminophen in lab rats). I had to do something and I took the zantac.

Ok, so I made it through the night and didn't die from the interaction...ha, weird. I felt great the next day! A couple friends came over for a bbq and I decided to have a few drinks (I also had to stop drinking due to my panic about a year before). I thought wow, this is what normal feels like. Great! Then on drink #3 all of a sudden I realized that alcohol and acetaminophen =liver failure. Party over!

So here I am trying to convince myself that I don't have liver failure. I have spend hours upon hours on the net trying to calm myself by seeing that I don't have the symptoms, but you know how the net can make you believe that you do. Whats worse is that with alcohol acetaminophen syndrome it can take 5 days to have complete liver failure with patients feeling fine the second and third day. I have no pain, no nausea, no jaundice, no diarrhea, and I thought I might be ok. I exercised tonight for about 30 minutes and now I'm getting muscle twitches right where my liver is. Hasn't stopped for 3 hours. I am hydrated and take my vitamins. Looked up liver failure and muscle tremors happen as liver begins to fail completely, as does fluid build up in the brain which doesn't help considering my migraine is back.

Can anyone offer my any help to get past this?? I want to go to the ER but they know me all too well there. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't think I can do this much longer. Thanks

07-06-2010, 02:57 AM
Well done for posting.

Here's my two cents:

- Stop using the internet
- Get outside more and do exercise
- Cut out alcohol, caffeine and drugs from your intake
- Take 3 deep breaths every hour of the day
- Start meditating
- Realize that we all die so why waste your life worrying about when it's going to happen
- Think of starving children in Africa (random I know - but can help you put other things into perspective, one dies every 10 seconds over there)

All the best to you.