View Full Version : Do i have social anxiety?

04-27-2006, 10:16 AM
After some events which happened a few years ago... i can't go into my own town centre, the nearest big cities town centre or even walk home from school (i grab a lift when my boyfriend comes back from work at 6)
I'm very scared to walk out o my house, i have to ask my boyfriend to check if anyones there first. I can;t even go down into the bottom of my garden, only stand near the door to have a cigarette.
The one suprising thing is that im absolutly fine in my boyfriends town, quite happily walking into town, something which i havent done at home in about 4 years.
Am i just scared or could i have a social anxiety disorder... i dont want to see my doctor, as ive been to him a few times recently with possible depression, and some health related problems and i dont want him to think im being a pre madonna.

04-27-2006, 03:23 PM

I don't know what you have.. sounded like a bit of Agoraphobia but I wouldn't know. You said you are scared of people outside of your house.. are you scared of people in your boyfriend's town as well?

You said you aren't scared walking there.. is that true regardless of whether you are alone or with someone? Just thinking of things that would narrow it down.

I would really voice these concerns to a psychologist (no, you're not being a pre madona), see what they come up with :)

also, theres some online 'screening' tests you could experiment with to see what they suggest may be a problem area for you (see the Resources forum - screening tests)