View Full Version : It realy annoys me..

07-05-2010, 04:04 PM
I have told some of my friends about my anxiety disorders (I have Panic disorder and agoraphobia). I find it quite insulting when a friend says to me "Oh you know how you get with travelling and on buses and stuff, well im the same with camping and tents". I know for a fact this friend is fine in tents and it is insulting to compare my anxiety disorder which i suffer with everyday to a mild scare or discomfort.

This same friend also said to me once "I just had a panic attack" and when I tried to talk to them about it to find out if they realy did and what happend, the told me they were very cold and 'panicked'.

Just wondering if anyone else experiences the same thing, I find it very frustrating.


07-05-2010, 05:59 PM

Until you have actually had to live with an anxiety disorder, it is very difficult to imagine what it is like.

Unfortunately, you will always get people who feel a bit sad and call it depression or feel a bit scared and call it a panic attack.

I find myself wishing that my friends could spend a day in my shoes - but at the same time, not wanting to wish this thing on anybody.


07-05-2010, 07:10 PM
I know what you mean. In general people see "simple things" as simple and no big deal whereas I need to prepare and "suffer" just doing the activity, and I see how I frustrate my family and I have guilt for that, but it's also hard that they don't understand. I mean I don't expect someone without anxiety to completley understand because they aren't going through it, but I don't like feeling small either, like it's stupid...because it is very real to us.

07-13-2010, 10:19 AM
I've experienced the same reactions with certain people. A lot of people just don't understand anxiety or depression. They see them as minor annoyances and not having so much control over a person's life.

I suffered from bad anxiety and depression, and no matter how I tried explaining it to my husband, he just did not understand. He actually told me that it's all my head and I need to get over it. It hurt me at first but then I realized he had no clue as to what really goes on when someone experiences it.

Don't feel bad. You know how the anxiety has affected your life. It's not just some trivial thing like some people believe.