View Full Version : How many PACs/PVCs you have a day?
07-05-2010, 04:34 AM
This is my first post, I was registered a while back as a different name, but forgot my log in details.
Just wondering, how many PAC's/PVC's do you get a day?
Good to hear from people because recently I've been having more. Some days I have 1 or 2, other days I have lots. Some days are freaky. Like today for example I had about 15 in the space of a minute. Really freaky at times.
Doctors have ran tests and said people live with them. They are certainly scarey.
At times I feel like my heart freaks out and gets tangled up in itself.
07-05-2010, 04:40 AM
i have palputations but its fairly rare that i do, what are PAC's/PVC's?? are they harmless?
07-05-2010, 04:43 AM
i have palputations but its fairly rare that i do, what are PAC's/PVC's?? are they harmless?
They are harmless if you're heart is in good shape yeah. Its a skipped beat. Sometimes it feels like a flip flop, or a skip and a bang. Some people here will relate to them.
07-05-2010, 04:52 AM
ah yea sounds like what i get then, i had a EKG just last week because i had 2 palputations in the same week and it freaked me out..
i feel kinda silly though as im hearing alot of people speak about having them lots lots more FROM anxiety, your not the first person to tell me about having loads in one day so i think your fine 8)
07-05-2010, 05:03 AM
ah yea sounds like what i get then, i had a EKG just last week because i had 2 palputations in the same week and it freaked me out..
i feel kinda silly though as im hearing alot of people speak about having them lots lots more FROM anxiety, your not the first person to tell me about having loads in one day so i think your fine 8)
Yeah mine started from anxiety when I was 18 (now nearly 26) and they got worse and worse over time. I think the more aware we become of the heart and topped with the anxiety we sort of bring them on ourselves.
I'm constantly aware of my heart even when I'm not thinking about it. So I think I have some form of subconscious anxiety at times.
07-05-2010, 05:12 AM
yea i must admit iv been like that recently, i had a cold shower and it took my breath away about a week ago and now im obsessed with thinking that i have heart problems just becuase abit of cold water took my breath away and caused me to freak out abit
i've had heart palputations for years from anxiety but all of a sudden they are now a cause for concern and i think its going to lead to a blood clot or something and il have a stroke or something, its rediculos but also quite real in my mind and i can tell myself everything is ok but it never works
been to the doctors and they said everything is fine, EKG was fine, blood pressure on the day was high due to stress but iv since got myself a BP tester and iv got perfect BP at home all day long.
any tips on how to budge this sort of annoying anxiety?
07-05-2010, 05:15 AM
yea i must admit iv been like that recently, i had a cold shower and it took my breath away about a week ago and now im obsessed with thinking that i have heart problems just becuase abit of cold water took my breath away and caused me to freak out abit
i've had heart palputations for years from anxiety but all of a sudden they are now a cause for concern and i think its going to lead to a blood clot or something and il have a stroke or something, its rediculos but also quite real
As long as they say your heart is fine you will be ok.
I never get any chest pain or nothing like that. But the skipped beats do freak you out.
07-05-2010, 05:18 AM
thing is, is my heart palps are literally like... once every month if not longer its quite a rare thing so im curtain its no cause for concern and yet the anxiety still builds up over it... almost to the point of worrying about nothing... its really annoying living this way...
iv had REALLY bad chest pain once when i was probably the most anxious iv ever been it hurt like hell but i went to the doctors and they said it was all fine and it was the anxiety
oh what a fun life i lead... :roll: :|
07-05-2010, 05:26 AM
thing is, is my heart palps are literally like... once every month if not longer its quite a rare thing so im curtain its no cause for concern and yet the anxiety still builds up over it... almost to the point of worrying about nothing... its really annoying living this way...
iv had REALLY bad chest pain once when i was probably the most anxious iv ever been it hurt like hell but i went to the doctors and they said it was all fine and it was the anxiety
oh what a fun life i lead... :roll: :|
I feel your pain. I've lived with it for years and at times it stops me in my tracks.
I'm taking the stepson to the sealife center today, and I really dont want to go, but I really need to start doing things because if I don't I'll get stuck in a cycle and never leave the house.
I work from home, which makes anxiety harder because im in the house most the time. Subconsciously I am building a comfort zone which is bad.
I get anxious over everything myself. My ear started ringing recently, and I freaked out. I though my blood pressure was to high, I was checking my pulse, I got into a snowball and had a panic attack. All that from a ringing ear.
I have a pain in my toe and I will check my pulse and think I'm about to die. Its so crazy.
Dont worry about your heart, because worrying will make it worse ... like mine did. I think chemicals in the brain can mess up signals to the heart and cause all sorts of madness.
07-05-2010, 05:31 AM
indeed jayone, i can relate to your position i too work from home (i am right now in fact) and its not always a good thing!
i have a safe zone (my room and my pc) i can sit here for the entire day happily and at the moment im having problems getting away from it as im happy here...
i some times feel that if i move away from the pc or some other place where im happy and not so anxious that it will cause me to have more anxiety therefor i stay where i am and really dont want to move im always trying to sidetrack myself from things, like for example:
my anxiety gets really bad at night and in the morning (i wake at 7am all the time due to anxiety) and in preparation fo this i have downloaded lots of BBC i player videos for me to watch over and over tonight to keep my mind off things, eastenders is a god send to me... i can watch that over and over (and i do) and it calms my mind... trouble is when i need to go to sleep o break that cycle and its hard to do
i get a ringing in my ear some times too however it doesnt really freak me out, i don't freak out too easily over illness but when i do.... :?
07-05-2010, 12:56 PM
I have had them for 7 years now and am still alive despite my thoughts that they are gonna kill me. I also am in tune with my heart even when I am doing things I am still "waiting for the next skip." When my heart is being "good" I still have my mind on it and when it is skipping and flopping everywhere I am in overdrive, super nervous and sometimes panic because they feel so scary. The 2 holter monitor tests I had done showed 18 ectopic beats one time and 21 ectopic beats another time, in 24 hours. They claim thats a very small amount of them and that some people get thousands a day, but I don't care, they still scare me, each and every one!
07-05-2010, 01:09 PM
yea i was told a person can have around 10 eptopics a min!!!
thats insane, but the problem im finding is that i can't really get my head around why it would be "normal" or "harmless" as my heart wasn't really built to skip... or was it??
as the doctor told me, "everyone thinks the heart is a qwarts clock, its simply not & will beat irregularly"
07-05-2010, 01:32 PM
Yes, the ectopics are considered a "normal part of the heart electrical system".....I think it's just meant to drive us nuts! :roll:
07-05-2010, 01:46 PM
i guess so yea! its curtainly doing that today
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