View Full Version : My experiences

07-05-2010, 02:34 AM
I've been on 3 differant drugs in my time.... they are:

Tiflupurazine (check spelling) - results of this were bad, i became very zombie like and i had stareing fits where i would just stare into nothing for ages and ages it also didnt effect panic attacks it did lower anxeity a little though

beta blocker, Propanolol - had no effect on me

beta blocker, bisoprolol fumarate 2.5mg - work well makes you feel abit happier and less anxious, doesnt last all day & tends to give me fullness in the chest and slight tightness which makes me worried

07-07-2010, 10:14 PM
Is the beta blocker for the heart? My cardiologist said if I absolutley couldn't live with my ectopic heartbeats he would put me on that, but says I really don't need it. It helps with anxiety also?

07-26-2010, 08:28 AM
I had a not so good experience too at Holiday In. I would not stay there again either.I had prepaid months in advance via credit card on the internet,but the morning I was leaving with a taxi waiting, the receptionist said I had not paid the 13 usd tax. It was clearly on the receipt I had,but my copy was in my locked bag.

09-02-2010, 09:11 PM
I just wanted to know everyones experiences with Tigers eye. Personally, it makes me feel more confident. I feel more creative, and Ive been accomplishing more goals than I used to.

09-02-2010, 10:31 PM
Tiflupurazine (check spelling) - results of this were bad, i became very zombie like and i had stareing fits where i would just stare into nothing for ages and ages it also didnt effect panic attacks it did lower anxeity a little though

Triflupromazine? Or maybe trifluoperazine? Either way, we're talking antipsychotics here. It just AMAZES me that doctors seem to be willing to give out these harsh and potentially dangerous drugs for anxiety disorder. You would think that they would go for something FAR less 'hard'. Yet, even in this day and age, there seems to be no shortage of doctors willing to prescribe these kinds of drugs for anxiety disorder (despute their potential for harm).

09-03-2010, 09:22 AM
I am in no way against meds, but I am thankful that when I was practically begging my therapist for meds she insisted that I didn't need them and that I would benefit more in the short AND long term with CBT. She is right, and I am glad I listend to her.