View Full Version : Hello Group

07-12-2005, 11:17 AM
Hi my name is Paul and I have Social Anxiety disorder. It is very frustrating at times because I feel like I want to do things but I get too scared of being rejected or being ridiculed. People try to push me to do things when I don't want to and i just snap at them. I am also trying to find a new Job because I hate my current job. Every time I apply for a job and I get rejected I start to wonder if there is something wrong with me, and I start to feel kind of worthless. I fear that I will be stuck in a job I hate and I fear I will die alone. I am 29 years old and I have never had a relationship with a woman because I am too scared to ask anyone out. I am hoping that I can meet someone here who is close to my age who is going through the same thing I am going through, so I feel that I am not alone. Hope to talk to you all later. 8)

07-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Hi Paul, I'm in pretty much the same boat as you. I hate my job, and I want a better one - but I suck at interviews, and I've missed out on the jobs I really want to do because of my social anxiety. I'm 28 too, and also without a girlfriend. *grumble*grumble* hehe..

we mustn't lose hope man, hehe.. there's still a chance that each of us will find a bright future ahead, at a great new job, with a wonderful woman at our sides! ;)

07-14-2005, 04:35 PM
Hi Paul I totaly uinderstand I have dated some but never have gotten married or even close by the way I am a 34 year old female lol I lack something in my life from being single but I am not going to run out looking either , well I jsut thought I would say hi and hang in there I think we all understand on this board