View Full Version : Panic-Buddys?

07-05-2010, 01:36 AM
Stupid title i know but i cant really think of anything else...

ok point of this post is, iv often been alone here in my room worried sick about something and all i've ever wanted is to have someone to talk to that understands and/or has felt what im feeling..

i was just wondering if anyone was on msn messenger and would like to add me so we can talk to eachother in tough times and support eachother, i can think of 100 times this would of helped me masively in the past. Especially when you get that wierd feeling a new symptom which is scary for us all

wouldn't it be nice if you could talk to someone right away and hear that its all normal etc... i know i would!

and i dont mean to take anything away from the forum here thats not my aim my aim is to help us all in our times of need when things are bad and we just need someone who understands to talk to

my msn is [email protected]

feel free to add me or list yours and i will add you

together we can all feel good 8)

07-05-2010, 01:51 AM
i like the idea of panic buddy's so im adding you :) it takes one to know one feel like peapol who dont suffer dont understand. Iwe been trying to talk with my friends about it but its pointless and i usually just wanna choke them heh.

07-05-2010, 01:57 AM
sweet :) yea i can relate to that! my friends are useless even one who has panic disorder never wants to talk about it