View Full Version : Having a really hard time with anxiety lately

07-02-2010, 09:24 PM
So, I've had some problems with anxiety in the past and been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder years ago. But I haven't had any major problems with it for a long while, until now.

I started taking Loestrin 24fe, which is a birth control pill a couple of months ago. A week after I started it, I fooled around with this guy I knew but didn't have sex or anything like that. Didn't think anything of it until a week later, when I started feeling bad. Kind of nauseous, and some girl at work mentioned pregnancy can cause that.

This is going to sound really stupid, but that made me completely panic. I know it's not really possible, but I still started worrying about it. Felt dizzy and nauseous, and was nervous to the point of shaking. I couldn't really eat, and I definitely had problems sleeping. I thought about hurting or even killing myself. And I just could not talk myself out of it.

When I got my period at the end of the pack of pills, it didn't really relieve any of my anxiety. It was really light and short, and I started worrying about implantation bleeding. I was sleeping a little better, but it was still hard to concentrate and I still thought about it constantly during the day. It gradually got better during the second pack of pills, but came back just as much at the end of that pack. Got my period early, and still didn't feel much better.

Right now, I'm on my third pack of pills and am still anxious and irrational about pregnancy. I don't know what to do, and I'm so frustrated. I'm not sure if this is the hormones of the new pill, or if it is my generalized anxiety coming back. I just feel like I'm going crazy, and needed to get it off my chest I guess.

07-02-2010, 09:38 PM
This sounds dumb, but have you tried a pregnancy test?

07-02-2010, 09:41 PM
No, I haven't. I'm too nervous about getting a false positive or something like that. That would really make me panic.

07-05-2010, 01:24 AM
well if you didnt have sex with him the chances are your not pregnant?

trying to find calm.
07-05-2010, 07:47 AM
Hi, I Feel for you and know how silly things can start your anxiety again. Mine just started again because i had a lot on my plate and then my family got gastro and i freaked out about getting it because i have a stomach problem. The straw that broke the camels back. BAM anxiety hit and i cant stop being anxious about being anxious. Silly things can start it. Trust me i know its hard but go to the doctor, get a blood test and know in your head that your not. Then you can start working on your anxiety without this on your mind.