View Full Version : St. Johns Wort - Horrible Dizziness

07-02-2010, 12:19 PM
Hi All -

I just started taking St. Johns Wort 2 days ago for major anxiety I am dealing with right now. I'd like to go herbal before going to the meds to avoid side effects.

I have had on and off dizziness / lightheadedness issues for the past 3 years but, upon starting the St. Johns Wort, it got much much worse and I am feeling spacy/tired/nauseas 24/7.

My main question is do I continue with the St. Johns Wort and fight through the lightheadedness or do I discontinue and go back to square one but much less dizziness. I always want to give meds fair trials but I would not be able to endure this dizziness too much longer.

Thanks for your help

07-05-2010, 01:23 AM
iv never been on your meds but the ones i have been on i have experienced spaced out feelings and some dizzynesss i think its becuasethe meds are calming you down but the body deep down is still trying to go for it which in turn causes abit of a battle

07-05-2010, 03:26 PM
I took St. Johns wort for a little while but stopped because I felt no great difference with my anxiety and also its not a good idea to take St. Johns wort alongside other medication. My mum also didnt like me taking it as she had heard that it can cause serous side effects for some people.

I think you should stop taking it and seek other remedies instead because from what iv read there is no conclusive evedince to confirm that it does help to reduce anxiety significantly. Its reccomended for people with mild cases.

Hope I helped :)

07-07-2010, 10:00 PM
There are other anti-depressant alternatives out there. I heard of SAMe, its not as popular in the states as it is in europe, but its supposed to be an excellent natural antidepressant.

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07-08-2010, 10:09 PM
SJW never really had any effect on me at all. Never had any side effects.

I was prescribed Metroprolol and it increased symptoms, so I gave it back.
I was prescribed Ambien and I couldn't fall asleep, so I gave it back.

It's really just a matter of seeing a doctor and trying different options. Everyone will react differently do different chemicals put in their body.