View Full Version : unsure what to do!!

07-02-2010, 05:48 AM
Ok, I'm new here, i've been reading the posts and thought i'd share my experience!! recently I've been worrying alot about starting university in September. I'm scared of moving out, meeting new friends, being able to do the work etc etc. I started last year but found it hard to make friends and adapt to the change so I quit after a month. After doing that, I had to find a job which took me 3 months to find something, they kept me on for a month before they let me go and was left to find something else. I've since got another job which is part time, only 5 hours but its better than nothing I suppose. However, I seem to always have an anxious feeling, when meeting new people and going to new places. It feels like i'm going mad, like everything is surreal. It never used to be this bad but its got to the point where I have to push myself to do everything. I now think people who I haven't met don't like me and feel really self-concious when I'm out. I used to love to socialise but now I just want to lock myself away which makes the worrying worse. I've been to the doctors & they have referred me to councelling which is going to take ages with a waiting list, i've read about cognitive behavioural therapy which sounds really good but I dunno whether I should go for it or not, i'd have to go private to see someone now and thats really expensive. I just really want to feel better for uni but the way i feel now its not going to happen :(. Thanks for reading & i'm glad i'm not alone feeling like this!

07-02-2010, 06:16 AM
I would take up the chance and go for the counciling while it's there waiting for you, you dont want to be in the posititon where things get much worse and you have to wait another 6 mths.

Good luck

07-02-2010, 07:21 AM
I believe what you're experiencing is very normal and maybe not anxiety at all.

Maybe just take things very slowly and rather than considering the "vast ocean" of new things out there and people etc. just consider one tiny drop of water. The one tiny drop is nice, manageable, friendly and non-threatening. The ocean might seem like it's vast and unknown but really it's just made up of lots of tiny drops of innocent water.

This one tiny drop could be just meeting that first friend at Uni which you inevitably will do within minutes of arriving. Even if you go thru the entire experience with one friend it will be an amazing time and everything else is a bonus.

Also, as a "state change" exercise, you might want to think of dying kids in Africa to get some perspective on occasions. I do this and it seems to work.