View Full Version : My product reviews and techniques for anxiety and panic

06-30-2010, 09:42 PM
I have a list of good's and bad's of what I've tried to ease my anxiety and panic attacks.


Stresstabs Vitamin - Definitely the best thing I have ever tried in my life. The stresstab is a multivitamin with different size porportions of different minerals and vitamins. I know this stuff works. I was depressed back in 09 because of my anxiety level. It brought me down so low I thought I needed to go to the doctor for medication. My mother bought me this vitamin and after about two weeks of taking it I felt so much better it was unbelievable. I went from being on the brink to feeling happy and my anxiety was GONE. I hadn't suffered from another panic attack until I stopped taking it in January. As soon as a week or two went by I was back to being anxious and I got panic attacks again. After I began taking it, everything went away again. I was happy, no anxiety, it was great. I TOTALLY recommend this vitamin.

Chamomile Tea -

When I first began getting anxiety, my sleep was the first thing that was disturbed. I could never sleep as that was the scariest time of it. I found chamomile tea and it worked wonders for sleep. I got the sleep formula that has peppermint so that was a bonus. Whenever I'm anxious about little things I'll make myself a cup and it helps calm my nerves. It wont get rid of it perminently and it wont do anything to help panic attacks, but small bouts of anxiety can be calmed with it.

Deep Breaths - I know it sounds corny and lame when I say this but if you feel like you might have a panic attack, its exactly what you need to do. When I feel panicky, I realized my breathing is shallow and that's why I'm fatigued. I stop what im doing and take a few seconds to breath in deep and slow. It really works.

Red meats and vegetables -
I get fatigued all the time and thats the main cause of my panic attacks. Iron deficiencies can cause fatigue. Eating red meats helps the fatigue fade and anxiety go away. Vegetables are stalk full of vitamins and minerals.


Vitamin B complex - It's a good vitamin for those who aren't small and maybe even underweight. I'm speaking in my experience. When I took that before I took my stresstabs, I would stop eating. I'm very small and tiny so by the end of the first WEEK of me taking it I had lost 5lbs. Which is very very bad. I had to stop taking it immediately. I couldn't eat, my stomach hurt from the vitamin. It was like a weight loss supplement or something. It makes your metabolism shoot up and I already have a really high metabolism so it was a bad combo for me.

Magnesium Suppliments -

I cannot express how much I hate this suppliment. I thought I was going to die today. I havent been taking my stresstabs so I decided I'd try magnesium as I've heard deficiencies can cause panic attacks and agoraphobia. I will never take this again. I took only HALF of one of these along with a vitamin b this morning and by about noon I was on the brink of a panic attack. I managed to get through the day without one but it was terrible. not only that but I had 5 bouts of diarrhea from the magnesium and the whole day I felt as if I was going to vomit. I wont be taking this ever again.