View Full Version : Feeling of something stuck in throat/tight throat

06-30-2010, 05:09 PM
I've posted her before, but there's times where I'll get a physical symptom for about a week before it goes away. And it all relates to something that I see on TV or something happening to someone that I know.

For example.

Before this symptom I had a weird pressure on my eyelid. I would wake up in the morning, wouldn't feel a thing, and 5 minutes later, eyelid pressure all day long. My mind was so focused on it. And I believe it all started because a co-worker of mine was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and his main symptom was some blindness in his sight.

I hope i'm not the only one who experiences this.

Anyways, now for about 2/3 days, I've had this feeling of something stuck in my throat, and tightness of throat. My chest also feels tight from time to time. The feeling goes away when I'm so concentrated on something else and just when I wake up, I feel no symptoms. But like I stated earlier, 5 minutes later, symptoms appear.

And this all started cause I was watching a show where someone was diagnosed with some esophogal disease or whatever, and days later after that, weird symptoms start to appear.

I have no problems eating or drinking whatsoever, actually when I eat or drink the symptoms go away.

It makes me so angry.

07-01-2010, 11:59 PM
Well you really already answered your question, if you have symptoms that go away when your mind is focused elsewhere you are just experiencing anxiety. Sick peoples symptoms don't go away when they are thinking about something else, if you are sick it will be constant. Since you are convinced you are sick your mind is helping you to believe that, your brain is a very powerful thing.

07-05-2010, 06:26 PM
Globus Hystericus is the feeling of a blockage in the throat. It is very very common amongst anxiety sufferers - but completely harmless. Your throat won't close and your breathing won't stop.