View Full Version : Cracked the Anxiety Code

06-28-2010, 07:40 AM
Hello there. How is everyone? This is my first post on these forums.

I actually do now suffer from anxiety, something that I never had before. I have been suffering for about a few months now.

Let me explain. It's simple, when I go out, I am scared. At night when I am out with a friend, and its just us, I have a million scary thoughts. Thoughts from people to aliens abducting or killing us.

At night, one simple crack noise, or just any noise wakes me up or if I am awake, I keep thinking someone is there or it must be aliens.

Well, I am sure 99% of the people who suffer from Anxiety, which I have discovered is only a mental problem, not a disease, are also most likely depressed. I just can't see how you are always anxious yet you are not slightly depressed.

Well, depression and anxiety go hand in hand. It is very contradictory.

Here is why. We all have 2 minds. One is the usual us, the awareness, that sees and experiences everything, confirms reality, and the other mind is the mind that does the thinking. What happens is that depressed people are usually always worried about everything, from other things to other people, and not themselves.

One of these "things" is the 2nd mind, the thinker. They are always worried about the secondary mind. They want the 2nd mind to make the first happy, because that is its job, but they are worried about it because they know it will have to put time and effort and work into it. Instead, they create fantasies about future, telling the 2nd that everything will solve itself in some crazy way, and the 2nd mind just says "ok" for the moment, but eventually depression strikes to make the 1st mind change its flawed belief system.

When the main mind becomes less important than the second, anytime a single noise happens that may or may not be threatening to the main minds life, the second mind creates an exaggerated panic, in order to get the main mind to hopefully come to a conclusion that it is more important than the second mind, and that it should change its habits and begin enjoying life, and asking for the secondary mind to do the work it wants rather than the first mind lying to the secondary mind that everything will work itself out someday without the second mind doing any work.

All these panics people get are there to help you not get them anymore. to make your life better. I finally solved the problems. Drugs are not the answer. I also have ADD btw, which is also all in the head, although for some its really legit, but I can go on without drugs. Of course drugs can help, but only if you use the drugs to solidify the main mind over the secondary. Both the first and second must work in unison to live a healthy and happy life. Depressed people are putting number 2 over 1. Others over them. Depressed people always find themselves doing drugs because the second mind cannot make the first mind happy in anyway. In fact, any effort to do so by the second mind makes the first mind reject it. So that's why people do drugs, a fake happiness the mind can finally give, even though the problem ends up progressing becoming worse and worse.

Exercising should be done to keep the mind and body healthy rather than done to release endorphins to get a narcotic, drugged, fake happy feeling.

I hope I made sense. But this indeed, is the basis of anxiety. I hope everyone here learned why people get panic attacks, and how you can stop them.

And if I did not explain it, stop worrying. Force yourself to care only about YOU. At least then when you hear a crack, you won't be so scared to die, since you feel happy and accomplished.