View Full Version : Aching in left arm?

06-26-2010, 12:52 PM

I have had anxiety for a couple of years now, I am taking Citalopram 40mg once a day.

I have also been given 5mg of Propanalol to take 3 times daily which I havent felt the need to use yet.

I stopped drinking alcohol because it made my anxiety worse, but I started drinking again socially.

When going to bed my left arm has been aching like mad, (Only after drinking) but last night it started after not drinking at all?

It keeps me awake and its really uncomfortable, im so worried about it!

Has anyone else experienced it or is it a sign of a heart attack/ heart problems?

Please reply if you know about this or have experienced because im so scared.

06-26-2010, 04:49 PM
I've gotten that a few times, it does hurt really bad. But it went away in ten minutes, so it didn't last hours. another time I got a pain in my left arm is when I get a liver biospy. If I were you I'd get that checked out. try webmd too. :mrgreen: It could possibly be muscle cramp, maybe you need more potassium etc

07-02-2010, 12:13 AM
I have aching arm pain that comes and goes in both arms depending on the day of the week I guess. Also in the neck and sometimes legs, it moves all over. Mostly in my arms though so Im right there with you.