View Full Version : How to know when I need depression meds?

06-24-2010, 03:59 PM
I know I am depressed.

How do I know when I need the meds?
I'm only 14

& how can i convince my parents to get me help?
the meds would be expensive.. and any other doctor help.. i might not be able to afford.

06-25-2010, 11:56 AM
You shouldn't jump into meds right away unless you are feeling suicidal, and fear hurting yourself. Instead you should try to get into a therapist, and get to the root of your issues. Medication really only covers the issue up, unless you have a major chemical imbalance in your brain which is causing the depression. I'm sure if you explained how you felt to your parents they could get you into a professional. Depression is quite common for people your age. Better to deal with the feelings now than let them carry into adulthood.