View Full Version : Constant Head Pressure

06-24-2010, 02:55 PM
Does anyone get contant pressure in the head ?

I get numbness in the face too which freaks me out, I feel sick with this pressure. It moves from one side of te head to a dull ache all around my head,

I hope someone can relate to this.

06-25-2010, 07:08 AM
Hi michka, I just read your post while browsing and wanted to chip in and let you know that I do get head pressure. It's not constant but during my attacks, especially whilst I'm physically upset (crying etc) my head is like a pressure cooking waiting to explode. Have you ever tried any tapes? One that has worked brilliantly for me has been Paul McKenna's Control Stress. I lie on my bed on a flat pillow in the dark and have this on my earphones...you'd be amazed at how much it can calm you down...give it a go.


06-25-2010, 10:27 AM
I used to have pressure in the head but the doctor found out it was Sinus related and underwent a Sinus Treatment.
So maybe check with your doctor.
Good luck