View Full Version : Learning to live with anxiety

06-23-2010, 01:35 AM
Hi Everyone... thought i'd say hello as i'm a new user on here.

A short history... 2 years ago i began to feel unwell- i was living alone and realised my thoughts were turning inwards and i started worrying about my health. I was treated for many problems and after a long time of feeling bad moved and visited my old family doctor... within a week or so he realised what i was suffering - I have been on tablets for 6 months now - I guess generally i feel better i don't worry about my health now ( although i have to concentrate on not thinking about it)
I suffer anxiety attacks frequently - something i'm learning to live with.... I guess a lot of my problem is being on my own a lot - Are there any groups that get together ?.. any other sufferers who like me love the outdoors ? anyone fancy getting together for outdoor activities ?

Guess thats enough from me for now