View Full Version : hi folks

06-22-2010, 04:10 PM
This probably sounds so familiar to you ...

I woke up this morning and my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest. Six hours later and the heart rate drops once in a while, but the inner shakes take over and don't seem to go away. Productivity isn't possible. Being social isn't possible. In general, it feels like life isn't.

That's where I am.

I'm from New Orleans. I had my first anxiety attack two weeks after Katrina in '05. After that, they happened off and on (once a month or less) for a couple years. Then in '07, my partner of ten years walked out the door (Cue a double dose of anxiety for two months or so). Then I found a great support network - anxiety waned a bit, even though my whole world fell apart (seemingly)..

Now in '10, suddenly anxiety is triggering anxiety... I sought therapy a couple years ago which made some things worse because it brought some issues to the forefront - my phobia of having a heart-attack (my father died of one when I was 7) that increases my anxiety every time I experience it, my OCD (which I can now trace back to early childhood)...

Then I have MSG sensitivity (causes pretty intense neurotoxicity within minutes of ingestion and it mimics an anxiety attack.. and of course, triggers more to occur)...

So to make a long story short..

Hi - my name is Danielle. I live in New Orleans. I'm a PhD-seeking graduate student with a loving partner and two fur-children.. and I have some pretty nasty anxiety. Nice to meet all of you.