View Full Version : Beware of Mtn. Dew

06-22-2010, 10:24 AM

I wanted to share this story with you. I have been suffering from extreme anxiety/borderline panic attacks for 3 months now. The attacks would be terrible in the morning when I woke up but then generally subside. Often, they would resurface throughout the day. Basically my mind would race, my heartbeat would increase, and I would have the most terrible thoughts. Often, I was brought to tears. I had a very difficult time focusing on my work, I was grumpy and mean to my family, I felt awful. I am 41 years old and these feelings came out of nowhere. I visited my GP looking for medical cause with no luck. This has been the most horrible experience of my life and I had all but assumed something major was occurring to cause this (Tumor etc.).

My wife helped me with some self assessment and review of changes over the past 6 months. I have always been a soda drinker. Although I am fit and exercise, I have always enjoyed drinking Mtn. Dew throughout the day. About 6 months ago, I switched to Diet Mtn. Dew in an effort to watch the calories. It didn't taste quite as good, but with 0 carbs/calories/sugar, it seemed like the right move. I probably averaged 4-5 cans a day. When the anxiety came about 3 months ago, I immediately quite drinking alcohol in an effort to insure that it wasn't the cause since my first extreme anxiety episode was associated with a slight hangover. I filled in with additional soda. I did not realizing I was making things worse.

I have since learned that Mountain Dew contains Sucralose, an artificial sweetener. I am about a week removed from drinking any Mtn Dew and feel like a new man (my old self). I am not sure if I was overly sensitive to Sucralose, allergic, or what but I hope no human has to go through what I went through. I highly recommend you google Sucralose (Splenda) and research this.

Look at all Sodas and food. It is found in many things.


06-22-2010, 10:49 AM
Thanks for the insight. I will for sure look this up!

06-22-2010, 03:23 PM

Interesting , I watched a doco on the effects of that flase sugar and am not surprised with what you found out .

There was many many people that had feel very ill from taking it and they were trying to get warnings on cans about it but are fighting billion dollor comps so having very little luck.

My brother in laws brother had a problem like yours from too many redbulls .

cheers kev :D

06-22-2010, 08:30 PM
I would also avoid aspartame and saccharin. I read somewhere that it takes 3 months for the average person to develop a new habit. So it you start drinking plain water everytime you're thirsty, in 3 months you'll be over your soda addiction. I've cut down on my sugar intake as well because it sugar and anxiety is a combination invented by the devil himself.

I also had horrible morning anxiety. For like a freaking decade. Listen, you know how you say you exercise a lot? Try exercising ONLY when the anxiety starts and EVERYTIME the anxiety starts. You may have to develop new exercises if you get anxious in the office, like doing office yoga.

Never give yourself a chance to stew in anxiety. Not for a second if you can help it. Do this for 3 months and your subconscious will reprogramme itself.


06-23-2010, 06:17 AM
You know its funny you bring this topic up, between my doctor and I it was decided that caffeine may have been what got me in this spot to begin with. I have been doing really well though, I work out take lots of vitamins and have been feeling great for about a month now(was even thinking about working down my meds)

So last night I was out to dinner with my girlfriend and the waitress brought me the wrong drink, I asked for sprite because I am still a soda whore so I just try to do the non caffeine ones. She gave me Diet Coke which was the same thing that my girlfriend was drinking and what used to be the drink I would go through about 5-6 times a day. I didn't want to be a pain so I drank it and had a few refills. I did my best not to let it bother me. But sure enough here I am at 6 am with my chest racing and my whole body is just trembling........ I think I learned my lesson! Back to Sprite for me, LOL

06-23-2010, 07:18 PM
I am very anti-meds when it comes to anxiety, Penguino. I firmly believe antidepressants are for clinical and bipolar depression and other true mental disorders. When you use it for anxiety, it covers it up temporarily.

Any trigger will cause it to flare up again and you'll be coping for the rest of your life. And what happens is that you will be constantly on guard for the things that trigger your anxiety, like coffee or artificial sweeteners. You will be focusing on the triggers but meanwhile, the real cause of your anxiety is not addressed. The real source of our anxiety disorders, whether OCD or panic or GAD, is our thinking patterns and the anxious behaviour that comes from those thinking patterns. The meds will cover this up.

Anyway, that's just my personal belief about meds. I wanted to respond because you said you were thinking of weaning off meds and I wanted to encourage you to do so when you think the time is right. It won't be easy but it will be worth it in the long run. Medication is all about the short run.
