View Full Version : Chest pain from anxiety???????

06-21-2010, 10:48 PM
I have had GAD for several years now but not this bad.I started having chest pains and went to my doctor which did a ekg and came back abnormal.He sent me to the ER and they said it was anxiety so i went to a heart doctor and he put me on a bata blocker,it has helped with the heart palps and chest pain but makes me feel dizzy and tired.Has anyone been through this because how am i supposed to tell between a anxiety attack and a heart attack when the symptoms are the same?

06-22-2010, 03:31 PM

First off stop telling yourself it is a heart problem .

The first test was abnormal so to cover their butt they sent you to a heart doctor , one that has trained for years . Now if he is telling you its fine , see it as a anxious thoughts you are having .

The beta blockers do help and i think you will fine that the dizzy and tiedness could just be your mind playing tricks on you because you are so focused . Your mind is very powerfull and can heal you or it can make you sick .

cheers kev :D

06-23-2010, 08:42 AM
I can tell you right now to stop worrying because I know EXACTLY what you are going through. I was having these "skipped beats" about a year ago after a stay in the hospital (which spiked my underlying anxiety). I went to a cardiologist who said everything seemed fine and by the time I saw him I had stopped feeling the skips. Then suddenly one day they came back along with all other bad anxiety symptoms because I worried about it. Checking my pulse all the time and everything. Finally I went to my family doctor who actually heard one of them and said "Oh! Yeah that's a PVC." She said ther are generally benign but had be wear a 24 hour monitor just in case. So I did and sure enough it was abnormal like yours as it picked up my PVC's but they are a benign condition and are usually triggered to be worse by stress and anxiety. She offered me beta blockers but I refused as just knowing they weren't dangerous was enough for me. I still get them everyday and usually don't notice them but sometimes they will show up and be very noticeable for a day or few but then I stop feeling them again. I drink about 4 cups of coffee a day and I can tell you that doesn't help lol. I am not giving up my coffee though.