View Full Version : Has anyone experienced Adrenalin rush

06-21-2010, 07:50 PM
Has anyone else experienced this? I am waking up with a surging rush of adrenalin that is combined with a severe tightness in my face and head followed by rapid heart beats. This occurs often after normal nights sleep, but when its severe, it can wake me at all hours of the night. The feeling sets up my day feeling..you guessed it, anxious and lethargic from bad sleep. Sounds like a classic symptom doesnt it? Has been happening for the past few months with no signs of abating. I also get waves of it during the day, which is most unpleasant. Does anyone have any suggestions to combatting this problem? Does it sound familiar to anybody? I also have this wierd feeling of having a 'lump' in my throat all day.
