View Full Version : Walking & Pacing

06-20-2010, 04:46 PM
I appear to be in the worst anxiety breakdown in many years. On my better days I walk and pace a couple of hours. On the worst days it can be many hours or much of the day because I am so agitated. It is always worse in the mornings.

Has anyone else ever been so tense/agitated they had to do this.

Years ago when I came off Xanax I had to pace for a couple of years to get through the withdrawal. I have not touched a drug of any kind in years but it feels like the same hell with all the same symptoms.

I am having high anxiety that my brain is benzo damaged and causing this again....or is it anxiety hell out of control....AGAIN!!

Thanks for reading and responding James

06-20-2010, 07:34 PM
It could be some leftover effects from the drugs. But your walking and pacing is OCD and therefore what maintains your anxiety. I would suggest you find a good hobby to break that routine.

I personally went on Linden Method, which is a distraction programme, and eventually I chose 3 different distractions, one for work, one for home and one at night when I got jolted awake. The best one that worked for me was just playing the major scale on the guitar at different speeds.

It is behaviour that got you into this and it will be behaviour changes that will get you out of it. But give it time. Distraction is not an instant cure.
