View Full Version : Is this anxiety? Strange symptoms...

06-20-2010, 09:31 AM
Hey guys, I've been meaning to post here for awhile but I thought it may be another sign of defeat...

Anyway, my situation is a bit more frustrating than normal because I'm living abroad right now and I don't speak the local language. I'd love to see a doctor (or several) about this but the only way I can do so is if someone comes from my company and translates... it's all very uncomfortable. I have to rely on the internet for information about this, which can be a very bad thing.

I try not to Google too many things as I tend to get fixated on having some kind of illness that I don't already have.

Anyway, I have seen various doctors about this in two countries (South Korea and here in Japan). I went to the emergency room twice and the doctors just brushed me off (after X-rays and tests of course but they looked to be really bothered by a 25-year-old dude thinking he's having a heart attack). I also have been to various clinics. As far as medication, I've only been put on one that helped me sleep and that's it.

I've had several X-rays, EKGs, urine tests and blood tests. Every single time the doctor told me I was fine. I'm a relatively fit 25-year-old male so they seem to think I'm a hypocondriac (I might be).

My anxiety was a bit better for awhile, especially when my life started slowing down a bit. I just moved here so that would explain a rise in anxiety. I don't have panic attacks anymore though I did have quite a few before I got some help.

Panic attack symptoms:

- I had major heart palpitations
- Difficulty breathing (thinking about it way too much)
- Minor chest pain
- Bumps that formed on my chest and neck (right side)

Anxiety symptoms: (some of these aren't common which is why I'm posting)

- Jaw pain (this went away but my jaw still feels weird)
- Difficulty breathing
- Heart palpitations (these have gotten a lot better but still happen)
- Joint pain (ankles and wrists)
- A really weird one... Jock itch. It's bad too. I need to get it looked at but am too embarrassed (and yes, I've ruled out STDs. It's definitely Jock).
- General feeling of depression / futility
- Lethargy
- Constipation
- Hyper sensitivity to my body
- Anxiety (well, duh)
- Random bumps that appear for short periods of time and are a little itchy (another one I've never heard of being associated with Anxiety)
- My right foot gets a burning sensation at times (this one freaks me out, it's the only thing left that almost causes a panic attack)
- Feeling bloated
- Acid reflux / indigestion

...and there are probably more if I think about it.

I've always been a high-anxiety person. It started to become a problem when I moved overseas. A large part of the reason I moved to Japan from Korea is because Korea made it a hell of a lot worse (not the best place to live for a lot of reasons).

Anyway, if you think this isn't anxiety and is something else, let me know. In my weaker moments I'll Google random things that I'm worried it might be, such as Heart Enlargement. I know it's not an on coming heart attack because one of the doctors I saw (one I paid a lot to see) told me that if it was a heart attack, A) I'd know it and B) It'd feel nothing like an anxiety attack, my arm would go numb and I'd have horrible chest pain.

I'm trying to quit smoking too, hopefully that will help. I'm just afraid the actual quitting phase will make the anxiety go nuts.

All advice is appreciated, peace out!

06-20-2010, 07:54 PM
I kind of know how you feel. 3 years ago I also moved to Malaysia where I don't speak the language, although I'm getting the hang of it a bit now. I'm luckier than you because my wife is Malaysian and translates for me.

Still, the stress of a new job and new country brought my anxiety to a peak and there are no CBT therapists on the island where I am. I eventually ordered the Linden Method online and it pretty much cured me, although it took a while (almost 4 months) before I felt stabilized.

I would highly recommend it for you in your situation. You can download it or get the hard copy. It comes with great telephone support. I have to warn you it is difficult to digest all the materials at first.

But I have to say that I was so blown away by Linden that I started marketing it and also other products that I researched and liked. I need to say this because I got some hate mail a week back from someone saying I was leading people astray with my con games.

I can't prove this to you, but you'll have to take my word that Linden gave me my life back and also the courage to launch a new business venture in this country a month ago. The person who wrote me said I sounded too confident to be an anxiety sufferer. I thought my confidence should be a testament to the fact that it works.

Anyway, you can read my review if you click on the link under my name.


06-21-2010, 09:24 AM
Thanks for the advice, Palow. I will check it out.

For everyone else... do any of my symptoms stick out as not being anxiety related?

Is it possible for anxiety to weaken one's immune system and make the susceptible to other stuff?

06-21-2010, 03:33 PM
Hi Wave84 :)

Is it possible for anxiety to weaken one's immune system and make the susceptible to other stuff?

Anxiety is stress . 100% proven fact that stress will cause a immune system to be lower than it should be . Being anxious takes a huge toll on the body , uses alot more vitamins and minerals than it normally would .

Very common for people to get flus , colds , skin rashes yes jock itch etc because the body is running on high .

Although anxiety is called a mental illness in my mind it is not . It is a phsycal illness for many and has mental symptoms as a side effect . In saying this yes your thoughts will keep it going but to heal faster you need to surport body body and mind .

Oh and to put your mind at rest , the foot thing is common and was one of my first symptoms and still pops it head up when i get stressed .

cheers kev :D

06-28-2010, 03:03 PM
I have the EXACT same symptoms minus the jock itch (I am female LOL). I have had almost every heart test and I still think I am having a heart attack. This is horrible.

06-28-2010, 03:50 PM
hi i have most of your symptoms most of the time its breathing i always think im not breathing right especially when i try to breath just thru my nose i feel lilke im not getting enough air thru my nose and i have to mouth breath to try and calm myself. i can be talking and in mid sentence a thought will cross my mind im not breathing when im talking and i feel as im running out of breath.

as with the heart have palpitations constantly i get sharp little pains in my chest. i like so many have been to doctor after doctor and they look at me coz im 19 and go your not at the age to even think about health problems as im not overweight or have anything that would even be a reason that my heart is giving out.

i know what your going thru and its not fun i completely understand