View Full Version : Do I have a Disorder

06-18-2010, 12:27 PM
Hi Everyone.

Happy to of joined the forum...

For the longest time... Back to what I can remember I've always have been a anxious person and have worried alot. I recently within the last 2 years have meet my recent wife. She has been the one that has shown me more that what I have is a problem. I've always known it was something but I never knew about helping it. I just always thought I was born this way and that's how it's going to be.

Symptoms I have are:

Worry about things alot to the point I start worrying that I'm worrying...

Have sharp pains in my scalp/face at random times.

Have hard time going to sleep... have been worse lately.

Shake/twitch when I'm sleeping... drives my wife nuts and sometimes I wake up to myself doing it.

I go to sleep and then wake up with energy but I'm very tired.

Tend to tap things alot... like pretend play drums. Click pens. ect. Tap feet.

I have a very hard time concentrating. I tend to not comprehend things well. Like if my wife goes over things with me like her day. Later on I won't remember half the stuff. Even worse it seems when it's more important things like times and events.

When I start to worry more then usual I will get diarrhea soon after. Sometimes it's more in the morning after I wake up. Or for example we recently went to Cedar Point. Went on a roller coaster...I don't like heights. Afterwords I didn't feel well and I had diarrhea all day and my lips were tingling. I also was more shaken up by the noise of the rides afterwords. I tried riding another but I got to the ride and didn't go on it. I was scared almost.

I worry about pleasing my wife, Like I've lied to her so I didn't hurt her feelings. I'm not frightened of her I just do that to people I care about.

I bite my nails/skin on my fingers alot.

I've had times where if the situation really makes me freak out I cry and feel like I'm in a nightmare somehow. Last time was when I converted my religion about 3 yrs ago. I was freaking out about making my parents disappointed.

I can't really think of anything else right now. Lately my new worry is that I have a doc appointment coming up for my "anxiety". Scared on how it's going to go.

Any ideas of what it could be??? Any solutions to what the doc might say/do. I've read of drugs and other treatments.



06-18-2010, 09:47 PM
Anxiety all the way. Check out anxietycentre.com. They have a list of all the symptoms.

06-19-2010, 09:19 PM
Matt, if it will make you feel better I go through most of the same things as you so you are not alone.

06-20-2010, 12:09 AM
Hi 00MJR. Mama's right. The website has a loooong list of different symptoms that could be caused by anxiety. I've complained of weird symptoms too before and when I came across that site, it helped alot.:)

06-20-2010, 08:15 PM
If you are going to do research, the internet has a mountain of conflicting info about anxiety. There is a huge difference between the people who think you'll have anxiety for life and all you can do is cope, and those who think you can be permanently cured.

I created a website where I've condensed the best info I could find on the latter opinion, but some people on the forum have a problem with internet marketers. I'm not sure why because I think programmes like Linden, Panic Away, Panic Puzzle and Easy Calm are the next best thing to having a cognitive behavioural therapist. I personally went through Linden.

If you can't trust an internet marketer, at the very least go to your library and check out books by Claire Weekes, Chad Lejeune and Edmund Bourne. These are very good authors.

06-21-2010, 06:58 AM
Thank you for the info! I have ran into alot of conflicting information. I guess the best thing is to wait and see the doc. The appointment is making me anxious and I'm not starting to have more symptoms. This cycle of worrying/ being anxious and if I have ADD is killing me. The concentration issue I have is really been bothering me. I think it's cause I have things I really need to remember. As a younger person I always could get by with it.
