View Full Version : I'm anxious. Combining Self-Acceptance and CBT?

06-17-2010, 02:30 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm 23 year old guy who have been kind of a worried soul since as far as I can remember.

When I was a little kid at about 7-12 years old I worried about mad cow's disease, third world war and and that if my parents would be a bit too late to pick me up, I'd be a bit nervous that they wouldn't come. I wasn't the most trusty kid.

I grew up and now, more or less, all the time I have some thoughts of worry. Mostly about relationships.

I'm mostly scared about what people who I don't know that well but still know on a "Hi, how are u doing?"-basis, what they think of me and I don't want them to reject me.

The most problems I have in my class, where everyone is really outgoing, and I feel like I need my privacy, and I sometimes anticipate that I'll be left out which creats anxiety and becomes a self-fuefilling profecy.

My feelings of anxiety comes in several situations:

where I can get a no (when I'm inviting people to a party, asking them if they want to tag along to X, or what ever)

If, let's say, other tables in a room seem to have a really good time and the table I'm at isn't. Then I start to blame myself and think to myself that maybe people think I'm boring.

I can also get anxious if a friend choses to call others before they call me.

I like being alone if I know that I have a fun thing planned in the near future, but I dislike it if I don't have anything fun to look forward to.

This has all been manageble, but lately I've been feeling tense, nervous, apprehensive and just quite awkward more than usual and often without any apparent reason. It's like my emotions just spin without any real reason.

I know that you shouldn't self diagnose, but what does it sound like?

And Q2: I've read that CBT is very popular in countering anxiety, but so is "Acceptance".

I kind of like both, but I have trouble combining accepting ones thoughts and wanting to change them in let's say, TEA-forms which I like too.

I want to be self-accepting at the same time I change my troublesome thoughts.

Do you guys have any tips for this?
