View Full Version : Scared in San Francisco

06-16-2010, 12:37 PM
I have had anxiety off and on for about 10 years. I did have a scary attack about five years ago but somehow I moved on from it and have been relatively fine since. About two weeks ago I had the most frightening panic attack of my life and I am now riddled with fear. The panic is always with me and I have no idea how I am going to be able to function. I dont know why this happened to me so suddenly. I do think I may be in pre-menopause but I dont know if that has to do with it since I have had anxiety prior. It has never actually hindered me from doing things like it does now. I was at the Mall last night and had to leave and had a total meltdown. I get incredibly dizzy and feel off balance..almost like my head is heavier than my entire body...Can I get over this?

06-16-2010, 05:56 PM
hello sandywandy,
I have that similar feeling just like the one you had at the mall. Are you taking any meds for your anxiety? At times when I have planned for an outing and when the time comes I observe myself to see if I am mentally prepared for the outing , If i begin to feel the anxiety coming I take a Xanax to calm me down, if I feel I can tolerate it then I still take half a pill with me just in case. How bad was you attack two weeks ago? What was the symptoms like?