View Full Version : New to forum and need to offload......

06-15-2010, 07:59 AM
Hi All,

I just joined the forum as a first step toward some self help. I began to get exhausted, on edge, shaky, light headed and suffered weird symptoms like constant dry mouth and frequently going to the loo over the last few weeks and after going to the doctors with what seemed like text book Diabetes symptoms I am now looking anxiety right in the eyes.

I am not happy in my job and have been this way since late last year which has had an effect on me but the most shocking discovery I have made is that everything I am feeling is down to me meeting and falling in love with a girl 6 months ago.....it would appear that although she has awoken the most amazing feelings in me she has also released some trust and self confidence issues too... .. I have now buried myself in a hole and I am terrified..

I have booked an appointment with a hypnotherapist for this Saturday and I hope so much that he can help to extract whatever demons I am harboring and potentially help me to adjust my rational thinking because I am constantly waiting for the worst to happen between me and my partner, I worry about rejection, disloyalty, abandonment....you name it and the net result is that I have exhausted my self into an almost constant anxious state of mind.

I realise that all this is most likely to be linked to past experience(s) of some kind and I guess these need to be taken out and aired but I am devastated that I am in this position and am terrified of losing my relationship as a result.....I have so far just about managed to keep a lid on it but have just about buckled now from exhaustion.

it's like running a car at full revs for a long time, something is bound to give and I think that's why I'm currently sat at home (not at work) with a woozy head and generally feeling exhausted.....can't even think about work tomorrow when it feels as if I can barely function as it is.

Anyway really sorry to offload all of this on you guys.
