View Full Version : Did U Know Friends R Part of the Cure?

06-14-2010, 10:15 AM
Having/being a friend is WAY more important than many of us actually realize. Did you know that having the support and understanding of friends CAN IMPROVE the chances of recovery for those struggling with mental health issues. I actually work with the SAMHSA and the What A Difference A Friend Makes program and recently learned this through our website. So important to raise awareness about mental health issues so that we can take back control and wanted to share with all of you. Two is always better than one!! Check out the link in my signature below if you want to know how to be better friend or just need one.

06-14-2010, 01:53 PM
Sadly, my partner, whom I loved more than life abandoned me when I had my 2nd bout of anxiety and 1st bout of depression in 2008. That's friendship for you eh? I however do agree that a friend who's there to listen, give comfort and support is just what is needed in order to help anxiety/depression sufferers. The only problem was though that in my case, when I was depressed I wanted everyone and no one around me. I badly wanted their support but also didn't want them to see me as I was, a catch 22 situation! With anxiety, showing weakness in front of peers to me made things much worse. Everyone is different, but if you're old school, traditional and proud, then it's incredibly hard to open up. Many, if not all of my friends ever knew of my anxiety. I was too ashamed to speak to them of it and stumbled through it on my own. I wished so badly at the time to have been able to have just opened up, but upbringing and personality prevented me from doing so.
Then again there is the saying and how true that saying is: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

06-15-2010, 09:17 PM
Sorry you have to go through that. Check out the website in my signature. There really may be something there that can help you!!